By Staff
Published on August 1, 1993

August is the busiest month of the year for engine shows in the
U.S. and Canada while you’re on the road exhibiting and
visiting, don’t forget to take notes and let us know what
unusual engines you’ve found in your travels! And remember,
too, that we do get letters asking for more technical articles, so
share your expertise.

We have finally had some time to look over the statistics
brought in by our informal engine survey suggested by Bill Honey
(see our April issue). Of the 1857 engines listed, 761 were in the
Midwest, 401 in the Northeast and 304 in the Southwest. We learned
from this experience that we needed to be more specific in
requesting the information, since we got answers that varied in
their completeness or interpretation of what we were asking.
Nonetheless, this seems to have been a valuable exercise, and
we’ll try to share more data from the survey with you in future
issues. As you would expect, there were lots of Briggs &
Strattons, Internationals and John Deeres, but only one of numerous
makes, such as Affiliated and Yanmar.

Enjoy your August, and remember, of course, safety first!

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