When you receive this issue, we will be well into summer and
engines and tractors will travel to shows all over the U. S. and
Canada and beyond. Our show directory supply is almost fully
depleted, so we hope you got your copy in time!
We have been working on our next edition of our book catalog,
and it should be available as you read this. If you’d like a
copy of our catalog, just write and ask for it. If you want to get
it right away, send us a 29 cent stamp and you’ll receive it by
first class mail. We carry almost 300 books on engines and related
While we were working on the catalog, we realized that we
haven’t found any new cookbooks that our readers and their
families might enjoy, so we decided to do one of our own! See our
notice on page 41 for details.
And remember to take your camera along to the shows you attend,
and don’t hesitate to send us a few of your pictures!