By Staff
Published on July 1, 1971
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Joe Fahnestock
Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 47390.

115 Clifton St., Kernersville, N.C. 27284

Isaac P.Roberts of Kernersville, N.C. is the owner of several
items in the antique line. One is a 6 hp. Fairbanks-Morse gas
engine equipped with rotary high tension magneto in good running
condition. My father bought this engine in 1925. It was used for
shelling corn and sawing wood. One winter my brother and myself
shelled 17,000 bushels of corn for a buyer in a cotton gin located
on N & S railway. This engine can be started with one hand. I
also own one Farmaster (Cushman) 4 hp. equipped with Wico e.k.
magneto, however the magneto is weak and I use a 6 volt automobile
coil with condenser wired in with the magneto for timing and it
starts easily and is mounted on skids.

I own a 10 hp. International gas engine hopper-cooled. This
engine is torn down for repairs, mainly boring and sleeve work
(special). I have had it running and runs nicely but without
restoration of compression. It has to be started with belt power.
My 4 hp. Cushman will start it by letting off compression and
applying the heavy clutch on the International in a slipping manner
until the heavy flywheels turn with momentum until I cut off
compression and apply two pole coil & 6 volt battery hooked in
with my Webster Mag., (Mag. is weak). This International is about
60 years old, mounted on heavy wheels.

Instead of dishes in his wife’s china closet, Don Stocker
has requisitioned it for his panorama of old-time cast-iron
agricultural toys. He ‘shadowed’ Big Fred Leathermon long
enough, till he weakened and sold them to him. Look ’em over!
You will recognize some. Others Don added by searching and
collecting. L. to r. — Don Stocker, sons, Donny and Alan.

I also have a 1924 model S & S hearse, wood-carved body in
running condition; one 1926 Model Dodge coupe, 12 volt system; and
one 1923 Model T truck in my basement, being restored. This unit is
equipped with a ruxteel axle for pulling power and speed.

I am a retired funeral director and embalmer. I attend show at
Kinzer, Pa. and Bladenton show in Florida.

I also own two horse-drawn hearses, one rebuilt in 1894; the
other, first type built in U.S.A. unrestored but in good shape.
The, 1894 model horse-drawn hearse was used in a funeral near
Lexington, N.C. about 4 years ago by special request by a man who
was a horse dealer the late Garland Jones.

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