The City of Monrovia used it to haul cast iron pipe up in the
Monrovia Canyon for a water line. They made a pipe dollie out of
airplane tail wheels and put a telescoping tong on it and it
replaced burros which would fall off the trail too often. I believe
it had a Wisconsin engine. Maybe the fellows out there know. But I
used it to harrow and level and plow. It is real powerful and will
turn on a dime and give change!
My brother Carl Hebert put on the cutting handles, on right is
twist-throttle, left has the kill button. It has a Ford type crank
and kicks on the first spin. I steam cleaned a D8 Caterpillar and
painted it so I took the little tractor and parked it next to the
D8 Caterpillar. What a picture! (Which I am still trying to find.)
It pulled the plow in this picture. Courtesy of: W. F.
‘Bill’ Hebert, 1848 N. Ashby Road #26, Merced, California
Dick Arbuckle of RR #1, Box 392, Grant Park, IL 60940 is a
reader who gets around to quite a few shows. He took this picture
of a John Deere 1? HP owned by Tom and Norma Wolfe of Scottsburg,
IN was on display at the Leota Country Frolic at rural Scottsburg,
Indiana in August of 1987.