By Staff
Published on May 1, 1988
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Jerry Shahan of Route 1, Box 194A, Brashear, MO 63533 has provided both photos seen here. Left is his 1919 30-60 Model E Oil Pull which he purchased in 1987 in Ontario.
Jerry Shahan of Route 1, Box 194A, Brashear, MO 63533 has provided both photos seen here. Left is his 1919 30-60 Model E Oil Pull which he purchased in 1987 in Ontario.
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A 1912 25 HP Titan type D which he bought from the Stan Reynolds Museum at Wetaski win, Alberta. This one was completely torn down and sandblasted before being reassembled and painted. The picture was taken at Mt. Pleasant last year, where the tractor dre
A 1912 25 HP Titan type D which he bought from the Stan Reynolds Museum at Wetaski win, Alberta. This one was completely torn down and sandblasted before being reassembled and painted. The picture was taken at Mt. Pleasant last year, where the tractor dre
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