Chairman Massey Collectors Association 13607 Missouri Bottom
Road, Bridgeton, Missouri 63044
Dear Collectors, Enthusiasts & Friends of Massey All Over
Our Great Nation:
We are finally at the threshold of our Massey Collectors
Association. About a year ago, some of us saw a need for an
organization and decided to move on it. Keith Oltragge, publisher
of Wild Harvest, a magazine devoted to the Massey
enthusiast, enclosed an article in the March/April issue written by
Butch Simmons of Holt Summit, Missouri, calling for people
interested in Massey Harris to consider forming an association.
Massey is the only major farm equipment line which did not have an
organization. We received an enthusiastic response from across the
country. So, we got together and formed the Massey Collectors
Association, a not-for-profit (501.C7) organization chartered in
the state of Missouri. We would like to have chapters all over the
country. There are friends of Massey everywhere.
We have a board of directors consisting of five members: Dale
Lawrence, chairman, Butch Simmons, secretary, both of Missouri;
Dave Kautzky and Chuck Cooney of Iowa; Ray Swanson of Illinois; and
Rita Simmons as our treasurer. Membership dues are $20.00 yearly.
We are publishing a monthly newsletter, for which I am presently
responsible. HELP!! Send articles, news, jokes, anything. If you
would like to join, we would love to have you–men, women, sons,
and daughters–anyone who owns or is very enthusiastic about
equipment the Massey company represents: Wallis, Massey Harris,
Ferguson, Massey Ferguson, etc. We want to keep the Massey
equipment line in the limelight of agricultural history and growth
in this country. Where else can you spend 0.548 cents a day and
have more fun and fellowship. Send for your membership, and enclose
a check for one or more years, to:
Massey Collectors Association. %Rita Simmons, 2355 County Road
4030, Holt Summit, MO 65043.
This will place you on the mailing list to receive the monthly
newsletter. Don’t forget our great magazine, Wild
Harvest. Contact Keith Oltragge, Box 529, Denver, IA