Letters & Miscellanies

By Staff
Published on January 1, 2004
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Letting Off Steam

You did it again. No matter how colorful it may be, your
practice of printing over pictures of antique engines is
disgusting. On page 5 of the November issue, I cannot tell what is
in the back two or three rows. Also, red and black does not show
well with people who are colorblind.

On the table of contents, you say an article on building a
magneto charger is on page 12. It turns out to be an article about
timers. You need a new proof reader.

I will say the story on the Portland show was very good. Also,
the model Froelich tractor story: Mr. Bausch must have spent many
hours to produce this excellent piece of machinery. What a legacy
to leave his family – very, very nice. Mahlon Ellick 12314
Cypress Sand Lane, Ml 49343

We did indeed goof on the table of contents of the November 2003
issue. It should have read ‘Building and Using a Magneto
Timer.’ – Editor

Picture Pegged as International

On page 3 of the November issue of GEM, the picture of the
unknown tractor is an International Harvester 8-16, evidenced by
the firewall, hood former, the position of the magneto at the front
of the engine and its drop-center axle. Jim Farber 28180
Highway 128 P.O. Box 7 Yorkville, CA 95494-0007

I just received the November 2003 GEM. On page 3 there is an
unknown tractor, which I believe is an IHC 8-16. But of course it
is missing the hood and rear fenders. Thank you for such a great
magazine. Mike and Jen Murphy


I  read Art Lora’s story, ‘Just Parts Engines’
(GEM, July 2003, page 28), and I would like to know where to
purchase fancy cartwheels like the type Art used. Art fabricates
his own carts and uses whatever wheels he can find. Can GEM or its
readers furnish any sources for cartwheels for those of us
interested? I would think there would be a lot of interest in fancy
cartwheels, new or used. Bob Rivers I1  Rose Lane
Stoneham, MA 02180 bobriv@netzero.net

Our first suggestion would be to check the display ads and
classifieds in the back of the magazine. Cartwheels turn up with
some frequency, and it’s likely you’ll find what you need
there. That said, if anyone knows of a good source we don’t
know about, drop us a line. – Editor

Scale Alamo

I was thrilled to open my latest issue of Gas Engine Magazine
and see Eric Brekke’s fine model of the Alamo (GEM, December
2003, page 20). I really enjoyed your article and the photos of
Eric’s work.

I was also pleased to read in your ‘Hit-and-Miss’ column
there will be more articles on models and model construction to
come! I must confess that this subject is of great interest to me –
I build model engines, and it is a rewarding hobby. I also agree
with you that model builders and engine collectors share the same
enjoyment for iron, just on a different scale.

You asked for photos and input in your column, and I was
wondering what you prefer, photos or digital images? Russell
Herrstrom toolmkr@iowatelecom.net

Joe’s Clutch

John and Dottie Farrar wrote in the November 2003 issue about
wanting information on the ‘Joe’s Clutch.’ I cannot
help much, but this might be a lead. Forty or 50 years ago the Snow
Nabsted Co. made marine clutches that were common here in British
Columbia, Canada. These were very close in design to the old
Joe’s gears that were used here in the 1920s and 1930s.
Possibly the Snow Nabsted Co. is a descendant of the Snow &
Petrelli Co. they speak of. The main difference was the Snow
Nabsted ran in an oil-filled case while the Joe’s ran dry – oil
inside but open to the air outside.

I hope this will help lead them to some information. I enjoy
Gas Engine Magazine.

Billy Griffith griffith@sunshine.net

Royal Engines

Seeing the picture of the 1-1/2 HP Royal engine pictured at the
top of page 20 in the November 2003 issue prompted me to write. I
am interested in any information on the Royal line by Smith &
Sons of Kansas City, Mo. C.H. Wendel notes in American Gasoline
Engines Since 1872 that there was a note in the 1913 Gas Engine
Magazine about an earlier line, but he does not mention what

I have many questions on the Royal line. Any suggestions you
could offer on my information search would be appreciated.
Keith Burton Independence, MO KeithB108@aol.com

Stickney Jr. and Nelson Bros. Engines

The engine in query 38/12/2 (Gas Engine Magazine, December 2003,
page 5) is either a Sears Harvard or a Stickney Jr. Wow!

Also, in ‘Letters & Miscellanies’ and the Nelson
Bros, engines question, you refer to an article in the March 2003
issue that is actually in the June 2003 issue. I mention this
because the engine in query 38/12/5 is referred to in this article:
‘Nelson also made some engines for Montgomery Ward that were
not made under the Nelson Bros, name.’ The article quotes a
1935 Nelson Bros, service department letter that said, ‘This
particular engine was made by us for the Montgomery Ward people,
using their patterns, jigs and tools.’

I have one just like it, Nelson’s only dip-rod splash oiler.
The spark plug is on the intake side, and the kick-start operates
on the cam. The magneto has the same casting marks as the engine
block and carburetor. Could Nelson have made this entire engine?
Chad Johnson 552 E. Larrabee St. Omro, WI 54963

Standard photographs still work best, but digital images are
okay as long as they’re taken and saved on your digital
camera’s highest setting. If you’re scanning a photo, save
it at 300 dots-per-inch. – Editor

Insulation and Montgomery, Ward & Co. Engines

I just got the December 2003 issue and was looking though the
questions. On query 38/12/3, ‘Sickle-Bar Mower,’ somebody
probably put some fiberglass in the tank trying to keep the gas
from vibrating up the sides of the fuel tank and out the cap.
I’m not sure how well this would work.

On the 38/12/4 ‘Novo Engine,’ the ‘J’ magneto
and the Zenith carburetor are correct for that engine. I have four
of these engines (I think!), and I think they came out as the model
‘A,’ ‘B’ and ‘C.’ One of mine is set up
with an open-crank Novo diaphragm pump. It weighs about 600 pounds,
and the pump makes the engine look small. On query 38/12/5, the
‘Montgomery, Ward & Co. Engine.’ That is a
‘Hummer’ made by Hummer Engine Co., if I remember right.
They are very rare and impossible to find parts for. Richard
Jensen richardviper@hotmail.com

Concerning query 38/12/5 in the December 2003 issue, I have this
exact same engine, and it’s called a Model E2 ‘Hummer.’
I found mine in a barn where it had been used to power a milking
machine. My engine shows serial no. E2 J33366.

Rumor has it the engine was built for military use to charge
6-volt radio batteries during World War II. After the war the
surplus engines were bought up by Wards and sold through their
catalog for a short time. The company that actually made this
engine is as yet unknown. I’m sure there is someone out there
who knows who actually made these engines. Edward Balcomb

IHC Nameplate

I have a cast brass name-plate for an IHC engine. I’m hoping
you could tell me the year and the value of the plate. The serial
no. reads K1812K. Marshall Kottman R.R. 4, Box 91 Salisbury, MO

It’s too bad you don’t have the engine, as the nameplate
comes from a very early 2 HP IHC Famous or Titan. Its greatest
value would be to the owner of the engine, if indeed it still
exists. – Editor

Send letters to: Gas Engine Magazine, 1503 S.W. 42nd
St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265; rbackus@ogdenpubs.com

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