German Tractor is a Kramer
6302 Rockbridge Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Thank you very much for running the picture of the tractor I
took in Germany (see GEM, November 2001).
I received five letters regarding it, two from the U.S., one
from England, and from Germany and one from Denmark. I had no idea
that Gas Engine Magazine was sent to other countries. Editor’s
Note: Three of the letters Bill received identified the tractor as
a Kramer K18 Allesschaffer, built by Maschinenfabrik Gebr. Kramer
GmbH, Uberlingen and Gutmadingen, Germany. Readers Aage
Bak-Mikkelsen, Solbjer, Denmark, Robert Moor house, Leicestershire,
England, and Gottfried Boehm, Munich, Germany, spotted it and
provided Bill with specific information. The K18 Allesschaffer
(literally, ‘do everything’) was powered by a 20 HP Guldner
stationary diesel with chain-drive to its gearbox, another chain
delivering power to the rear axle. These tractors were built from
1937 to 1942, then reintroduced after WW II in 1948 for a short
while. Thanks to everyone for helping Bill identify this
Custer Car
The first time I saw this car I thought I had found one of those
Maytag Racers. After inspecting the car I found a small plate,
which reads: Custer Specialty Company, Dayton, Ohio, Type 42, s/n
Stan Matlowski wonders if anyone knows anything about this car
or the company that built it, Custer Specialty Company of Dayton,
Ohio. Power comes from a Briggs Model K.
The engine is a Briggs Model K with square gas tank made in
mid-1934. The engine is started with an outside kick-start. There
is a friction clutch in the rear controlled by a lever on the side.
The rear is driven by a gear drive. There are headlights, which
were operated by a dry cell. The hood ornament resembles a
greyhound dog, and the total length of the car is
71/2 feet.
A search on the Internet turned up very little. In the fall
Carlisle show I saw another from an amusement park in Ohio. The car
had very heavy metal construction and was probably a child’s
ride. The motor was missing but it was probably electric. I also
met a fellow who said his father had an amusement car with an
electric motor. My car is light-gauge metal, and being gas powered
possibly a competitor to the Maytag Racer.
I would like to hear from fellow owners with information and
literature.Stan Matlowski, 118 Hunlcock-Harveyville Rd. Hunlock
Creek, PA 18621 (570) 256-7422
Fuller & Johnson Allis-Chalmers
After reading the November and December issues of GEM, I would
like to make comments regarding two questions sent in by
Referring to the November issue, a Fuller & Johnson Model AH
(see page 2, GEM, November 2001). I’m especially interested in
this, as I own the original Fuller & Johnson Mfg. Co. records
and have researched the shipping information for many collectors
for over 25 years, during which time I have looked up more than
3,000 engines.
The Model AH was one of six radiator-cooled engines built by
F&J during their last years of manufacturing, and were
basically used to power cement mixers. The radiator-cooled models
were: AH, 1-cylinder, 6 HP; AB, 2-cylinder, 6-8 HP; BB, 2-cylinder,
3-5 HP; BC, 4-cylinder, 6-10 HP; BD, 4-cylinder, 8-12 HP; and BE,
4-cylinder, 35 HP.
The AH was built in consecutive serial numbers 410000-410581.
So, 582 of these engines were built from 1929 until the end of
F&J in 1932. To date I have looked up 17 of the Model AH
engines that are in the hands of collectors.
The old company records make it possible to use the serial
number to find when the engine was shipped originally, and to whom.
I do charge $1 per engine for this service to cover my costs. The
books are very old, and to prevent excessive handling I usually
look engines up about once a month. Thus, it sometimes takes a few
weeks to get out the data.
In the December issue one letter referred to the Allis-Chalmers
front-unload spreaders (see page 3, GEM, December 2001). I’m
not aware that they were sold under the A-C name, but I do remember
my father bought a Galloway spreader that looked just like this in
the late 1940s or early 1950s. It was built in Iowa, so I assume it
was the old Galloway Engine Co.
Here in the snow belt there was a problem using the rear
unloading spreaders, as the tractors were smaller and as the manure
moved to the rear it would actually lift up the rear of the
tractor. This made traction a real problem.
However, with the Galloway spreader the load moved to the front,
and this helped with the traction problem. The idea was good, but
the spreader itself left much to be desired mechanically, and we
had frequent breakdowns.Verne W. Kindschi, S9008B U.S. Hwy. 12
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
MacBeth 300 HP
Ethan Lehman sends this photo of a 1911 Bruce-Mac Beth he
acquired last July. Of 4-cylinder, 4-stroke design with overhead
camshaft, this engine has a bore and stroke of 18 inches resulting
in a total displacement of 18,000 cubic inches! It’s rated at
300 HP at 200 rpm, runs on natural gas and without the flywheel it
weighs 28-1/2 tons. The crankshaft is 18 feet long. Made by the
Bruce-Mac Beth Engine Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, it was originally
installed in a water plant in Clarksburg, W.V., and taken out of
service in 1969. Ethan says he hopes to have it running this
year.Ethan Lehman, 13958 Goudy Rd. Dalton, OH 44618
Ethan Lehman’s 1911 Bruce-Mac Beth 300 HP, 4-cylinder,
4-stroke engine. He hopes to have it running this year.
Woodpecker and Miami
In a past issue of GEM there was a gentleman who wanted info on
the Woodpecker and Miami engines manufactured by the Middletown
Machine Co. in Middletown, Ohio.
I have information and pictures of the Middletown plant and
company history until their closing year. Carl L. Fry, 12028 Harris
Rd. Germantown, OH 45327
Send letters to: Gas Engine Magazine, 1503 SW 42nd St.,Topeka,
KS 66609-1265, or e-mail: