Letters & Miscellanies:

By Staff
Published on December 1, 2001
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There seem to be as many opinions on the origin of the Fordson
tractor as there are people writing about them.

Page 2 from Harvey Franz’s Fordson manual. A copyright of
1917 is barely visible at bottom center of this photo copy.

I was sorry to see Mr. Jack Heald (see GEM, April 1999)
discredit Mr. Reynold Wik’s article (see GEM, December 1998).
Admittedly, it appears the picture of a 1917 Fordson is incorrect.
However, he does submit a quantity of credible material.

It seems Mr. Heald may be in error, also, at least according to
my 1917 copyright Fordson tractor manual and parts list. My
original copy of the manual and manufacturer’s parts price list
clearly shows the Fordson trademark copyrighted in 1917, not
February 1918, as Mr. Heald stated. I have enclosed copies.

Harvey Franz 1683 Olympic St. Mora, MN 55051

(Editor’s Note: I had a conversation with Jack Heald
shortly after reading Harvey Franz’s letter, and I asked Heald
for his reaction to Franz’s letter. Heald is of the opinion
that a copyright date is of little meaning, noting that his 3rd
edition manual (effective July 1, 1918) also shows a 1917 copyright
date. Further, Heald notes that this same manual cites a Fordson
factory in Cork, Ireland, which there wasn’t at that time. It
is Heald’s opinion that the copyright refers to the material
printed within the manual, not the Fordson name, which he maintains
did not appear until 1918.)

2002 Orchard Tractors Calendar

The 13th edition of the Classic Farm Tractors Calendar has been
announced, this time featuring 11 brands of orchard tractors from
the likes of Farmall/International, John Deere, Minneapolis-Moline,
Oliver, Massey-Ferguson, Allis-Chalmers, Case, Cockshutt, Kaywood,
Massey-Harris and Ford.

The calendar is available from Classic Tractor Fever, Box 437,
Rockland, DE 19732. Calendars are $9.50 each, plus $2.50 shipping
and handling. For more info or to order with a credit card, call
(800) 888-8979.

David Bradley Correction

The contact information listed for Terry E. Strasser and the
David Bradley web site in the November GEM was incorrect. Mr.
Strasser’s phone number is (304) 274-1725, and the web address
is: www.members.home.net/gtreible 1 /. Apologies for any
frustrations this may have caused.

Send letters to:

Gas Engine Magazine, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS
66609-1265, or e-mail: rbackus@ogdenpubs.com

Abandoned Engines

Reader Preston Foster sends these pictures of a group of engines
he found quietly rusting away in a field in northwestern
Pennsylvania. Most probably date from the 1920s, and how or why
they ended up in this field is not known, but it’s likely they
were retired from oilfield service, collected for future
restoration, and simply set aside and forgotten, as seems to happen
so often with old iron.

At upper left is a 12 HP Reid. Lower left is a 35 HP Superior.
Upper right is a 25 HP Superior. Lower right is a closeup of a tree
growing around the 35 HP Superior.

Contact engine enthusiast Preston Foster at: 3231 Randolph
NW, Warren, OH 44485-2527, or e-mail: fooseng@aol.com.

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