RAY SCHAAPMAN, 48, Manteca, California passed away August 5, 1974 from a heart attack. He was always ready for a gas-up to show off the fruits of his hard labor of restored engines and tractors. His sons, Ronnie, George and Randy are chips off the old block and are following his footsteps and have inherited their Dad’s enthusiasm. He is sadly missed by all.
Submitted by Louis Chappo, 2530 Jone Street, Sacramento, California 95821.
WILLIS F. WILCOX, Route 3, Newton, Iowa 50208 passed away in Newton, Iowa on July 1 at the age of 76, after a prolonged illness. He had a collection of gas engines and was a member of the Midwest Antique Gas Engine and Tractor Association, Inc.
Submitted by Mrs. Willis F. Wilcox, Route 3, Newton, Iowa 50208.
ROBERT E. HASENFLUE, 88, died suddenly at his home. 164 Washington Street, Amherst, Ohio on June 22, 1974. He was a member for thirty years of the National Threshers Assn. and ran steam engines in sawmills during his early days.
Submitted by Pauline Schaefer, 265 W. George St., Yoe, Pennsylvania.
L. CLARE CARPENTER, 46, of Guys Mills, R.D. 1, Pennsylvania died in the summer of 1973. He was the son of our first President, Parley Carpenter. He was a member of the Pioneer Steam and Gas Engine Society. He was very interested in the club and has some small engines of his own.
Submitted by Jean Green, Secretary of The Pioneer Steam and Gas Engine Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania.
WALFRED (WALLY) E. NELSON, Valley Springs, South Dakota died June 16, 1974. There is a sad feeling throughout this area as we mourn the passing of Wally Nelson. He will be missed at the many shows he attended and helped.
Submitted by LeRoy Fett, Harrisburg, South Dakota 57032.
GEORGE C. GREEN, On February 16, of this year, the Lord saw fit to remove from our midst, George C. Green of Lambertville at the ripe age of 88. He was a staunch supporter of ‘Rough and Tumble’, especially of the Gas Engine Dept. He made his first gasoline engine at the age of 16, in his Father’s shop in Sergeantsville, N.J., his Birthplace. He, with his faithful companion, Jennie, made many trips in their 1904, one cylinder Oldsmobile, several times across the country to California. He had the reputation of being ‘The Great Restorer’ of one cylinder Oldsmobiles and was a personal friend of the late R.E. Olds. Those who are fortunate enough to have in their possession Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. Issue of the ‘Gas Engine Magazine’ may read a very interesting article written by Mr. Green. As his pastor, Bro. Green made many indelible impressions on Yours Truly, by his sincere, unassuming Christian Life. He will be missed, not only by his wife, Jennie, with whom he lived for 54 years, but by a host of friends.
Submitted by Rev. George W. Landis, pastor, Amwell Church of the Brethren, Sergeantsville, N.J.