Iowa 50627
I hope you do not think I am too personal, but may I say your
efforts and work in getting this magazine to me are really
appreciated. It is a wonderful magazine. I have a hobby of building
things of steel and the tractors and trucks these pictures
represent, I made. You mention you are short on material so I hope
this will help in some small way.
These little models take a great deal of time to build. I have
even made spark plugs for them. The plugs are small pieces of steel
filed to shape and welded in the motor blocks. These models have
been exhibited at Neil Miller’s show at Alden for several
years, and people have paid me very nice compliments and that also
is greatly appreciated.
Here is son John with a model of an old time power shovel I
built in 1964. It runs with electric motor, has hoist, crowd and
retract action on shovel bucket. This was at Mt. Pleasant 1965