542 County Road 8 Woodslee, Ontario, Canada NOR 1VO
The 14th annual show for the Essex County Steam and Gas Engine
Show found a new home last year at the Co-An Park in McGregor,
Mother Nature was very good to our last year’s show even
though she tried hard on Friday to ruin it. Saturday and Sunday
brought out huge crowds to see all the hundreds of exhibits and our
many restored antique tractors owned by the club and members. There
were many hit and miss engines, steam and gasoline engines both
large and small, and lots of antique tools on display as well.
We featured rare brand tractors and engines and were amazed how
many there are around the area.
The Old Country Campers Band played country music in the
evenings, and a harvest supper was held on Saturday evening which
was enjoyed by a large crowd.
This past year we had a shed built on a ten acre parcel of land
for all our club projects to be restored and displayed in. We have
planted several trees and put in drains to get rid of the surface
There are a lot of people who volunteer to help us to put on a
tremendous show. I won’t try to list the names of all the folks
who have helped put this all together, but will just say
‘Thanks A Million,’ you know who you are. As with all shows
everywhere, the more help there is, the smoother things run.
Everyone should always keep in mind that we do this for enjoyment
for ourselves, the exhibitors and the spectators.
Our 1999 show dates are August 6, 7, and 8, when we will feature
antique small engines.
So mark your calendar for the first weekend in August to visit
us at Co-An Park in McGregor, Ontario. Come to Windsor and take
Walker Road to McGregor and turn on Concession 11 and you will see
a tractor mounted in the air on our sign in front of our property.
See you there!