Lindsburg, Kansas.
EARL C. KUNTZ, 79, of rural Abilene, Kansas, died Monday, April
10, 1995, at his home. Mr. Kuntz was born May 9, 1915. He farmed
northeast of Abilene.
Earl and his first wife Glenna, who predeceased him in 1993,
were charter members of the Central Kansas Flywheels Inc. of
Salina, Kansas, and were annual exhibitors of an early O.M.C. four
cylinder tractor built in Salina by Ostenburg Motor Company, a
scale model steam engine, and a replica of an early Ford
automobile. They had worked at times for the Lester Roloff Mission
in Texas, and distributed Gideon Bibles in New York and
Earl’s survivors include his second wife, Doris; two sons
Darrell and Dennis, both of Abilene; five grandchildren and one
great-grandchild; and three brothers, Nathan, Harry and Roy, all of
Peace be to his memory!