RINK MILLS of Bradenton, Florida died February
26, 1986 after an illness of three years. He enjoyed every issue of
Gas Engine Magazine, and had all the issues from 1968 to
1986 until he sold them at Portland, Indiana in 1985. He was proud
to make acquaintances each year through the magazine.
He was the best as a husband and father, and was a friend to
Submitted by his wife, Mrs. Rink Mills, Lot 128 Lane 12, Royal
Garden Estates, Bradenton, Florida 33529.
ALFRED E. DANIELS, SR. passed away May 24, 1986
at the age of 78. He will be sadly missed by his many friends and
readers of Gas Engine Magazine, and by the members of the
many gas and steam clubs of which he was a member.
Submitted by his wife, Pauline M. Daniels, 480 W. Street Road,
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974.
ROGER R. LEONARD, Box 205, Charlestown, New
Hampshire 03603, a member of the Granite State Antique Gas &
Steam Engine Association, the Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas
& Machinery Association, and the Vermont Gas & Steam
Association passed away suddenly on August 2, 1986.
Roger had many loyal friends who will miss him greatly. He was a
big, quiet, gentle and very friendly man who was always ready to do
a favor for anyone. It was a very familiar sight to see him at the
engine shows with his wife and four little white poodles. We are
pleased that his wife, Shirley, will continue to attend the engine
Submitted by Stanley W. Clem, P.O. Box 174, Sunapee, New
Hampshire 03782.
EARL S. HARRINGTON of Cooperstown, New York
died October 13, 1985. He had been a member of several gas engine
clubs, was knowledgeable about gas engine mechanics, and enjoyed
participating in the gas engine shows.
In his memory his wife had a copy of the book, Gas Engines
Since 1872, placed in their local library. It is getting
considerable use.
Submitted by his wife, Elaine Harrington, P.O. Box 163,
Cooperstown, New York 13326.