By Staff
Published on November 1, 1996

STERLING FARNHAM, 83, of Warren, Ohio, passed away on June 25,

He spent most of his life in the Warren area and was a carpenter
and cabinet maker.

His many hobbies were hunting, fishing, collecting and restoring
antique engines.

When you visited him, he delighted in showing you his fishing
equipment and talked about all his fishing days.

He was interested in the old marine engines, as well as hit
& miss engines. Some of his engines were sold and shipped to
England, where another country now gets to see some of
Sterling’s hobbies and works.

He enjoyed going to engine shows and talking to everyone.
Sterling was a member of the Howcola Hunt Club; Holmes County Steam
and Engine Association of Berlin, Ohio; the Ashtabula County
Antique Engine Club; and the Northwest Pennsylvania Steam Engine
and Old Equipment Inc. of Portersville, Pennsylvania. He was also a
great contributor and member of the Cool spring Collectors Club and
Museum of Pennsylvania.

He leaves his wife, Genevieve, one daughter, two sons, seven
grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

All of his family and friends will greatly miss this man who
never can be replaced.

Submitted by Garland G. Moore, 9085 Columbus Road,
Louisville, Ohio 44641-8500.

JOE ARNOLD, 85 years old, died April 12, 1996 in Springfield,
Missouri. He was born four miles northwest of Billings, Missouri,
in Green County and he attended school in Billings.

In 1938 he was united in marriage to Anna Arndt. To this union
one son was born, Ivan.

He was a farmer all his life and worked for 30 years at Billings
Farmer’s Exchange. Joe was a member of Branch 16 of the Early
Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association and had a great love for his
gas engines and enjoyed talking to people about them.

He is survived by his wife Anna, son Ivan, and two

Submitted by Harry Kloppenburg, Billings, Missouri.

In Memory of CAROLL H. BUR-DETTE, charter member of the Volcano
Days Engine Show and Festival and Committee at Mount wood Park,
Parkersburg, West Virginia:

To try and pay tribute to a person who was your friend and is
now gone, is a very difficult thing for me to do. If I could put
down on paper the words which reflect my thoughts, they would not
do justice to Carroll.

I met Carroll in the early ’70s while he was serving as
Constable in the Lubeck area. He went out of his way on many
occasions to help the volunteer fire departments in his area. I
lost touch with him, as I worked away from home for several years.
In the late ’80s I became involved with the Volcano Days Engine
Show and Festival at Mount wood Park, and to my surprise, there was
Carroll working as a security guard. He was very active in the
events at the park, especially Volcano Days. When things got hectic
and I wished there were two of me, there he would be asking,
‘What can I do to help?’ He didn’t make excuses, no
matter what he was asked to do. He always came through, taking the
pressure off others. He was in charge of parking at Volcano Days
for several years, a job which required, in my opinion, a very
special person who could deal with hundreds of people and remain
calm and polite. He was also a familiar sight at the Mount wood
Park Fund Raising at the B&O lot at Fourth and Avery Streets,
during the Parkersburg Homecoming.

I know he will be missed at this year’s show and festival.
Carroll H. Burdette was born on March 16, 1924 in Jackson County.
He graduated from Ripley High School and soon entered the army and
World War II, where he served with distinction. The fact that he
received a’ Purple Heart for being wounded and received the
Bronze Star Medal with Bronze ‘V’ came as a surprise to me
after his death. He never bragged or boasted about anything. I
would like to relate to you how he got the Bronze Star with Bronze
‘V.’ The citation reads as follows:

‘For heroic achievement in action on 12 January, 1945, when
a heavy enemy mortar barrage fell upon their company’s
position, wounding three men and leaving them in an exposed
position, Privates First Class Burdette and Rosner courageously
moved out under the continuing barrage and under direct enemy
observation in an effort to assist them. Despite the fact that the
intensity of the hostile fire had forced many of their comrades to
seek cover, they made their way to their wounded comrades and
administered first aid which materially assisted in the saving of
their lives.’

We owe to all who have served in the armed forces of this nation
our utmost gratitude and thanks. Carroll Burdette was the type of
person who made friends easily and, in my opinion, he was a very
wealthy man in that he had so many friends.

Carroll was also active in other areas such as, he retired after
29 years with the Parkersburg News, he was a member of the
Typographical Union No. 357. He was also a member of the Ravenswood
Odd Fellows, Masonic Lodge, Sandyville V.F.W., and Murphy town DAV.
A member of the Volcano Days Committee, he was also a member of the
Methodist church.

I will always remember his smile and friendly greeting. He is
gone but certainly not forgotten. He passed away August 2,

Carroll was survived by his father, Guy Burdette; his wife,
Virginia Harpold Burdette; one son, Carroll Burdette, Jr.; one
brother; one sister; two grandchildren; and two

Submitted by Amos R. Totten, Route 1 Box 193, Washington,
West Virginia 26181.

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