In Memoriam

By Staff
Published on May 1, 2003

Rick Phillips, born May 7, 1953, died April 27,
2002, was the greatest father a son could ever have. Dad was crazy
about John Deere tractors (he had a 1010 Special that was in
midrestore) and Olivers (he was working an Oliver crawler at the
age of 12). Dad loved anything with an engine that he could build
up, but mostly he loved his family. He could always be found
plowing the field or picking strawberries on a warm summer
afternoon. He and my mother also restored Volkswagons – he rebuilt
the engines, my mother fixed the interiors and I painted them. He
was a great carpenter, as well, and there isn’t a structure he
could not have built.

Although he passed these traits on, he is sadly missed in so
many ways. He and his father were very close, and they liked to
fish, farm and just tinker around in the barn. They lived next to
each other and shared a large field, which always yielded the best
fruits and vegetables (and made a great motocross track in the off
seasons). We all miss you and love you so very much. And dad, wait
up for Gramps and me. When we meet again, we’ll plow the clouds

Submitted by Brian and Charles Phillips, Jackson,

Carmac Corbitt, 76, passed away Dec. 30, 2002
in Temple, Texas. Mac was in the garage and body shop business in
Dalhart, Texas, before moving to Temple. He and his brother,
Ernest, were the Maytag dealers for the Temple/Waco Area.

Mac loved restoring one- and two-cylinder Maytag washing
machines. Many people referred to him as ‘Mr. Maytag’ and
knew he was the authority on Maytag products, with more parts in
stock than anyone in the area. Mac also restored farm engines and
won many awards for his engines at shows.

He also loved restoring Model A Fords. Mac and a son, Stan,
restored three for themselves and many more for other people. There
were never any street rods or ‘hop jobs,’ only
factory-correct restorations. His great joy was taking the Fords to
nursing homes so residents could see them and enjoy them again.

Mac was a life member of the Texas Early Day Engine and Tractor
Assn. in Temple. He is survived by one son, Stan Corbitt, of
Temple; three grandchildren, who will inherit the Model As; and one

Submitted by Stan Corbitt, Temple, Texas

Kenneth Fullmer, 91, passed away on Christmas
Day, 2002, at his home in Williamsport, Pa. Kenny was an avid
collector and restorer of old iron. He was especially proud of his
collection of HP to 2 HP engines, of which he had more than 30. He
began collecting and restoring engines in the 1970s and continued
doing so up until the time of his death. Kenny displayed his
handiwork at many fairs and engine meets in north central
Pennsylvania and southern Upstate New York. In addition to his
interest in and love of small gas engines, he also restored a 1940
Chevrolet and a 1941 Plymouth. Kenny will be missed for his love
for the out-of-doors and old iron. He is survived by his wife,
Dorothy; a son; and several step-children.

Submitted by Jim Peddle, Ventura, Calif.

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