By Staff
Published on July 1, 1988
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On Friday, March 18, we were saddened to learn of the death of
MAR-JORIE WEBB. Marjorie was a special lady. A lady in every way.
She was a loving wife, caring mother, doting grandmother, and loyal

Majorie worked hard for our club. For years she handled show
registration single handed, she always donated baked goods to be
sold at the show and she and Dennis started our annual steamed hot
dog feast after the show closed to the public. Before
‘Minnie’ was forced into retirement Marjorie and Dennis
were busy preparing the engine for the show even before the snow
was off the ground. At the show she would answer questions put to
her by visitors, or just stand back and beam with pride as she
listened to Dennis explain what made the Minneapolis steam traction
engine work. Marjorie loved Minnie, but when Minnie could no longer
be taken to shows, Marjorie’s love turned to green. She could
be found at parade time driving the 820 along with her grandaughter
Carla on the BR while Dennis came along on Jim Bucknell’s
steamer. (It’s hard to get steam out of one’s blood.)

Marjorie had a special gift of listening. No problem was. too
small. She would just sit and listen and she always made you feel
good. She always knew what to say. I looked upon this special lady
as a friend. She was like a mother, sister and best friend all
rolled into one person. When she called you ‘Love’, she
really meant it. There was nothing false about her. I shared my
most valued possession with Marjorie. I shared my son. She and
Dennis took a special interest in Darcy. She was like a second
mother to him and I never felt jealous of the love he had for her.
Knowing Marjorie has made our whole family better. We will miss
Marjorie. Our club will miss Marjorie. She was a very special
lady.Submitted by June Baker of the Niagara Antique Pouter
Association, and sent to us by Norma Benner, 1173 Sunset Drive,
Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, L2A 5M4.

ROSS EZRA JOHNSON was born January 24th, 1926, at Pomona,
Kansas. He was the son of Daniel and Ruth Johnson. Mr. Johnson
moved from Ottawa to Overland Park in 1968, where he made his home
until his death on March 26th, 1988, near Barstow, California. He
is survived by his wife, Betty, 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

Following graduation from Pomona High School in 1943, Mr.
Johnson was employed for several years by Ottawa Steel. For the
next twenty years he was associated with S.O.R. Inc. of Olathe,
retiring in 1986 as general manager and on the board of directors.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from
Ottawa University in 1976 while remaining full-time with the

Mr. Johnson was an avid antique tractor collector, showing his
tractors at events across the nation, including John Deere’s
150th anniversary display last summer, the McLouth Threshing Bee
and other shows.

He was a member of the Two-Cylinder Club, the Kansas Antique
Tractor Association and many small groups. Submitted by: Mrs.
Ross Johnson, 13100 Quinica Road, Overland Park, Kansas,

OSCAR W. BETTENGER, 71 years old, was born in Sandy Creek, New
York. A resident of Churchville, Maryland for many years he passed
away February 15, 1988. Oscar is survived by his wife Hazel and his
many friends. Spike, as we all knew him, retired from Baltimore Gas
and Electric. He loved the smell and sound of old engines.

During World War II Spike served in Burma overseeing three
sawmill operations. They produced lumber for bridges and other such
things. For the war effort, OH, what stories he would tell!

As a friend and buddy I will miss him greatly. May he rest in
peace in that big steam show in the sky. Submitted by Dan
Bilka, 1744 Glen Cove Road, Darlington, Maryland, 21034.

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