EMERY (MIKE) HURST CORDILL passed away February
13, 1986. He was one of The Pioneer Harvest’s oldest
Mr. Cordill was born in 1896 at Bern, Kansas, and lived in the
Fort Scott area his last 50 years. During his earlier summers he
did custom threshing throughout Bourbon and Crawford Counties. He
later sold his equipment to Ross Digan, who continued using the
machinery until the modern combines came into fashion. Cordill,
however, never lost his admiration for the lumbering giants, and
after they were acquired by The Pioneer Harvester, he again became
their master. As a member of The Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, Cordill
operated the tractor and thresher for several years at the annual
show in October.
The big 18-36 Hart-Parr Tractor and its 28′ Red River
Threshing Machine are in our present collection, continuing their
work in stately dignitya visual tribute to those men who loved them
so long ago. Submitted by George Jackson, President, Pioneer
Harvest Fiesta, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701.
WILLIS A. SALTER passed away April 5, 1986. A
Hamilton County farmer, he was a resident of both Garden City and
Syracuse for many years. In addition to farming, he operated Salter
Implement Co. in Syracuse for several years.
He was well-known for restoration of old farm machinery and
tractors and was instrumental in establishing the antique machinery
show at the Hamilton County Fair. His antique steam engine tractor
was one of the highlights of that show and of the fair’s parade
for several years.
Mr. Salter was born in Rice County Sept. 25, 1905, and moved to
Finney County in 1917. He was married to Ethel Leota Solze in Dodge
City June 17, 1930. Submitted by his son, Bob Salter, of
Syracuse, Kansas 67878.
JAMES BERNARD FLEMING passed away on January
19, 1986 at the age of 81 years.
Mr. Fleming was a charter member of The Old Time Farm Show and
was a past president of the organization. He had many gas engines
and very unique items in his collection. He was a perfectionist in
all that he did, and he and his wife, Mable, enjoyed showing their
various collections at the show. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming held
‘Open Barnyard Days’ at their farm for a number of years
and hundreds of people would attend this two-day event.
Mr. Fleming loved conversation and enjoyed explaining the many
unique features of his antique farm machinery and household items.
He was truly an asset to the show and will surely be missed by all
who knew him. Submitted by Dennis Jepson, Secretary, The Olde
Time Farm Show, 718 S. Evergreen Avenue, Kankakeee, IL
ALLEN W. LARSON passed away April 17, 1986 at
the Westhope Home for the aged. He was 55 years old.
He was born at Bottineau September 24, 1930, and reared on the
family farm in Starbuck Township, Bottineau County, until 1939,
when he moved with his family to a farm in Kane Township. He
attended the State School of Science at Wahpeton and became a
master electrician. In 1952 he entered the U.S. Marines and served
until 1954.
Following his discharge he returned to the Newburg area and was
in the electrical business for nearly 30 years. He married Jeanette
Zimmer, and they lived on the family farm near Newburg. He served
for many years on the Kane Township board and was a member of the
Lansford Threshing Association. Mr. Larson owned many old tractors
and gas engines and had a museum on his farm that he was very happy
to show any visitors who happened through. Submitted by Harris
Saele, Munich, North Dakota 58352.
BEN GARAT passed away on March 24, 1986. He
lived at Eagle Point, Oregon, and had just been elected president
of Branch 9 of the EDGE&TA. What follows is a letter written by
Ben Garat, which appeared in a recent issue of Cast Iron News, the
club’s official publication. The letter was submitted by Dan
Collins, Editor of Cast Iron News:
Being born and raised in Riverside, California in 1938 on a
working sheep and dry land grain ranch to Basque parents, I was
always around farm machinery of yesteryear that was laid to rest
many years before its time because of a lack of parts or time to
repair it. As a young boy, I found it fun to play with. One day,
the best I can recall, during the war years of World War II, Dad
was forced to put some of the old tractors and machinery back into
service. Since I always had some interest in the old stuff, Dad
asked me to help him on the John Deere ‘D’. After many long
hours of work and swearing, we finally got it to run. Dad asked me
if I would like to learn to operate it. I said sure. So at the age
of seven, I cut my eye teeth on the old ‘D’ and spent many
long hours pulling the wheat-land plows and grain drills on the
thousand and forty acres dryland grain ranch that was home for many
years to come.
About 1970, a group of men or boys and their toys, decided to
start a club that was to be Branch 9 of the EDGE&TA of the
national group at San tee Lakes in San Diego, CA. We all had a lot
of fun and hard work the next seven years. Then it was decided to
drop out of the national. Branch 9 was vacant the next few years
until I moved to Southern Oregon in 1979.
Then one day a fellow by the name of Bill Wallner came over to
see my junk and got some engine parts. I was telling him I would
like to start up Branch 9 here in Southern Oregon. He said it
sounded like a good idea. We were both members of Branch 15 and
needed a club in this area. He agreed to contact a few fellows down
his way. I agreed to do the same in my area and also call Jack
Versteeg in Salem to help us form Branch 9. There were 15 men at
the first charter meeting at Wade’s Rentals, Sales in Grants
Pass in 1983. So Branch 9 was formed. Thanks to a fine group of
people, Branch 9 is alive and well with very positive goals and fun
in mind.