PAUL E. JONES, of Box 53, Les-lieville, Alberta, Canada, passed
away on August 10, 1984, following a four year battle of
leukemia.He was 77.
He restored various types of stationary gas engines, antique
tractors including oil pulls and Hart Parr’s to name a few and
built several scale models of various originals. At one time he
owned the largest collection of running engines in Canada. He was
responsible for the formation and organization of the Central
Alberta Antique and Model Club in 1976. This club holds a two day
show in September of each year.
Submitted by his daughter Barbara L. Richardson, Box 1496, Rocky
Mts. House, Alberta, Canada ToM IT0
JOHN A. RICHTER, a lifetime resident and historian of Novi,
Michigan died October 9 at age of 82.
In spite of blindness caused by an accident, Mr. Richter
operated a small engine repair shop at his home and was an active
particpant in his community.
Mr. Richter achieved a certain prominence in Novi in his later
years as the city’s self-appointed historian. He was well-known
for his recollection of the city’s early days and was a charter
member of the Novi Historical Society.
He also was well known throughout the community for his ability
to fix small engines. He taught classes in ‘Small Engine
Repair’ for many years.
Ritcher’s love of tools and ‘things mechanical’ was
reflected by his prized collection of antique tools which he kept
in a shed behind his home. The collection contained at least 20
engines, including eight stationary water-cooled engines, four
two-cylinder Maytags, seven Maytag uprights and a Maytag washing
His favorite was a 1905 International engine he used for general
purpose work on the farms.
Submitted by F. John, P.O. Box 2252, Dearborn, Michigan
ARTHUR E. OPPERMAN, 75, of Baraboo, Wisconsin passed away on
Sept: 26, 1984 from an apparent heart attack. Born in 1909 in
Strawberry Point, Iowa, Art remembered seeing train loads of steam
engines, gas tractors and grain separators headed west to big
farming country.
Art was a member of the Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club and the
Dodge County Antique Power Club, and attended many shows in the
area and surrounding states.
He enjoyed reading articles on old time farming, sawmilling and
his favorite engines were of the throttling governor type.
Art will be missed by his family, friends, and everyone who knew
Submitted by Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club
ROY GERMAN of Oilmont, Montana, died Tuesday, November 6, 1984
at an Arizona hospital at the age of 74.
Wherever and whenever there was a steam threshing show in
Montana, North Dakota, or Minnesota, Roy was there running a steam
engine and playing his ever present violin. Roy was an expert with
the violin and the steam engine. Whenever John O.Tysse of Crosby,
North Dakota or I at Voltaire, held a show, Roy was there to help
with the steam engines. He will be missed at a lot of places.
Submitted by: W.O. Krumwiede of Voltaire, North Dakota 58792
MRS EDWARD THIE of Media-polis, Iowa passed away November 19,
1984 of heart failure. Edward and Ethel spent many hours and drove
many miles together for parts, fixing up his collections of
engines, antique tractors, and Cletracs.
Old Threshers in Mt. Pleasant was both our delight. To display
out Treasures and visits of the good old times.
Submitted by: Edward Thie, Mediaplois, Iowa
MANTEN HOWLING passed away on March 11, 1984 at at Kitchener,
Ontario at the age of 85. ‘Mant’ was raised on a form
between New Dundee and Petersburg, Ontario. He operated a garage in
New Dundee, Ontario from about 1919 to 1965. He had worked on the
older cars and tractors as well as gas engines, and was a great
help to many of us in restoring old tractors and engines.
He was a valued member of the Milton, Ontario Steam and Antique
Association. During World War I he operated a Mogul tractor for the
government, doing plowing in North Dumfries Township. We miss him.
Also CHRIS BLANCHER formerly of Ayr, Ontario died in Gait, Ontario
on April 30, 1984 at the age 100. Chris was tank man on Bob
Mathi-son’s steam threashing outfit for a number of years back
in the 1920’s. This outfit threshed in the area of the east end
of Blenheim Township and the west end of North Dumfries Township.
Chris was also a musician. He played the violin at dances
throughout the area for many years. Men like these are hard to
Submitted by: Alex Edgar, R.R. I, Ayr Ontario, NoB IE0