In Memoriam

By Staff
Published on February 1, 2004

John Ritter, Carlisle, Pa., passed away Oct. 11, 2002. He was a
great engine man, and he helped a lot of people when they had
trouble with their engines. He was proud of his collection of
engines and grinders, and many people knew John as the ‘Gas
Engine Man.’ For 30 years he ran Ritter’s Engine Shed,
buying and selling engines and parts.

John is survived by his wife of 58 years, Mary; a son, Robert;
daughters, Patricia and Linda; three grandchildren; and three
great-grandchildren. He was loved by his family and many friends
and is greatly missed by all.

Submitted by Mary Ritter, Carlisle, Pa.

Milan (Mike) George Mahnke and Mary Elizabeth
passed away April 19, 2003 and
June 21, 2003, respectively.

Mike was born at the family farm in the Thumb area of Lower
Michigan, May 2, 1903. Mary was born at Wakefield, Mich., in the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Dec. 8, 1934. Mike lived and breathed
IHC and McCormick-Deering, with Mary at his side for the last 24
years. There was never a stranger at the door, and always a
‘stray’ or two at the table.

Good-bye, Mike and Mary, a better couple to raise children would
be hard to find.

Submitted by Bruce Tadlock, Bessemer, Mich..

Henry Johnson, co-founder of the Lewis-Clark
Antique Power Club, passed away Sept. 8, 2003, from causes related
to old age.

Henry was born in Roslyn, S.D. As a young man he moved to the
Pacific Northwest and founded the Henry M. Johnson Excavating Co.
Among his notable projects were construction of Calkins Field in
Spokane and carving out the road for the Winchester Grade.

In October 2001 the club honored Henry with a lifetime
membership. As Henry grew older, club members would bring him to
our meetings. The last one he attended was the 2003 summer

Survivors include a sister, Vi Kondo of Bothell, Wash.; and his
dog, Daisy.

Submitted by Orrin B. Iseminger, Colton, Wash., Lewis-Clark
Antique Power Club.

Robert M. Deitchler, 71, Silver City, Iowa,
died Oct. 5, 2003. Born in Mineola, Iowa, Robert farmed until he
entered the U.S. Air Force in 1950. He received the Korean Service
Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and
was named Airman of the Month three times. Following his service he
returned to Silver City and farmed. In 1957 he married Barbara
Ellen Briggs, and was blessed with three children. Robert loved
spending time with his family and restoring old tractors.

Submitted by Gay lord DuRee, Omaha, Neb.

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