By Staff
Published on February 1, 1998
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Dave Adkisson
Dave Adkisson

This is in memory of DRENNEN HARDING GOLDSBERRY of Athens, Ohio,
who passed away February 20, 1997 at age 82.

Though a lifelong resident of Athens, Drennen was born in
Marion, Ohio while his parents briefly resided there. U. S.
President Warren Harding’s father was a physician and delivered
Drennen, hence his middle name.

Drennen retired as the superintendent of the Athens City water
treatment plant. He also served as a consultant on other
municipalities’ water needs. Drennen received his education at
Ohio State University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

He was active in local politics and in numerous historical
organizations. He was an avid reader of history. Drennen was a 32
Degree Mason.

He was a Major in the state Civilian Defense Corps, and loved
his great country.

Drennen was an enthusiastic collector of antique engines!!! He
was a founding member of the Athens County Antique Machinery Club
and helped create the now annual Appalachian Fall Heritage Show
held in Athens every September. He exhibited his ‘antiques’
at many area shows. He actually had many hobbies and interests.

In his famous farewell address, General Douglas MacArthur
stated, ‘Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.’
Drennen faded away to be with the Lord.

Submitted by his loving family.

With great sadness the Middle Tennessee Antique Engine 6k
Tractor Association announces the passing of its founder, DAVE
ADKISSON. Dave passed away July of 1997 after an extended

Fourteen years ago, Dave brought the original group together to
meet at his KOA campgrounds at Bee Rock, Monterey, Tennessee. The
first meeting was held in the laundry room. The club continued to
grow, and moved from Bee Rock to the Shipley Farm at Tennessee
Technological University in Cookeville. Dave was the club president
for the first five years and was well known for his love of old
engines, grist mills and getting together at shows. Dave was the
first ‘Life Time Member’ of the club.

Submitted by Del Heffelfinger, President, Middle Tennessee
Antique Engine & Tractor Association, 3226 Bay Shore Drive,
Cookeville, Tennessee 38506.

The engine and tractor collecting fraternity lost a valuable and
dedicated member, ROLAND E. ‘TINK’ KENDALL, this past

‘Tink’ was born October 30, 1928 on a farm in Braintree,
Vermont, the son of Robert E. and Rena (Keach) Kendall. He attended
Braintree schools, graduating from Randolph, Vermont, high school
in 1947.

He married Irene Rood on June 10, 1950. They made their home in

Tink was employed as a lineman for the Central Vermont Public
Service Corporation for 38 years, yet he continued his farm roots.
He raised replacement heifers and sheep, keeping a herd of 20-30
heifers and 80 sheep that were raised for both wool and meat. He
also operated a small maple sugar operation, making 200-250 gallons
of syrup annually, and he cut and sold firewood.

During the 1970s, Tink started collecting gas engines, John
Deere tractors and other antique farm equipment, specializing in
products manufactured by the former Sargeant, Osgood & Roundy
Company, in Randolph.

After retiring, Tink devoted his time and energy to his hobby
and collection. He was interested in working displays, assembling a
complete apple cider mill, a dowel lathe, and other items, all
driven by gas engines and mounted on trailers for transportation to
the many shows that he atttended.

Tink belonged to and was active in many engine clubs in New
England and Canada. He was a tireless worker and always ready to
share his skills and knowledge with others.

During 1997, Tink was diagnosed with terminal cancer. His
devoted wife drove him to his last show, the Lion’s Fall
Foliage Festival at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on September 27 &
28, where he said farewell to his many friends.

On November 15, 1997, Tink passed on to that far away land,
where old engines are always stored in a shed with a roof that does
not leak, the pistons are never stuck, the original instruction
manual is in the tool box, and, when at a show with a crowd
assembled, engines always start the first time.

He is survived by his wife, three daughters, two brothers and
six grandchildren. He will be missed by his many friends. The shows
in New England will not be the same without Tink.

Submitted by Wayne Rowell, PO Box 6, Wilmington, VT 05363.

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