By Staff
Published on February 1, 1989
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GEORGE E. NEAL, of Easton, Maryland, died on November 27, 1988
at age 70, as a result of injuries suffered in an unfortunate
accident while erecting a tree stand prior to hunting season.
George and his wife Pauline are familiar to engine enthusiasts from
their appearances at gas and steam shows along the east coast,
where they acted as representatives of the Stemgas Publishing
Company. Messages of condolence may be sent to Pauline Neal, 230 N.
Aurora Street, Easton, Maryland 21601.

JOHN H. CARSON, 75, rural Miltonvale, Kansas, died November 14,
1988 at the Ottawa County Hospital, Minneapolis, Kansas.

Mr. Carson was born May 25, 1913. He worked in various Ottawa
County agricultural activities. He spent many years working for
Chapman IH Implement Company of Minneapolis, Kansas. He was a
member of the Mt. Liberty Methodist Church, and the Central Kansas
Flywheels, Inc. of Salina, Kansas.

John was a colorful exhibitor at the engine threshing shows and
centennial parades in the area with his trailer load of operating
one cylinder gas engines and a W.F. Allis Chalmers tractor. He had
a very good knowledge of the operation, care and repair of IHC
equipment. He will be missed by his engine buddies and a host of

John is survived by his wife, Leona, and sons John, Roger, and

Submitted by Ewald Lofdahl, President, Central Kansas
Flywheels, Inc., 1100 W. Diamond Drive, Salina, Kansas

ROY L. POWELL, of Orrtanna, Pennsylvania, passed away October
29, 1988. We are sorry about Roy’s passing, and he will be
missed by his many Gas Engine friends.

Roy was an avid gas engine admirer, but his main concern was
collecting spark plugs, and he always had a very nice display. He
attended many engine shows throughout the season, always traveling
weith his dad, Clifford Powell, and his uncle, Glenn Powell. You
could often see him helping out at John Ritter’s engine and
parts display. Roy, a quiet and gentle mart, was only 37 years,
old. He made a good impression on everyone he met, and will be
sorely missed.

Submitted by John Ritter, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and
Charles M. Carbaugh, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.

LAWRENCE ‘JAKE’ SMITH passed away October 28, 1988 at
age 72. He lived in Oak Grove, Missouri for the last 30 years and
was a retired farmer. Jake was a charter member of Sni Valley
Antique Machinery Association. He loved horses and horse powered
machinery. He was always willing to help with any and all club
projects and spent many long hours working the entrance gate at
show time. He is sadly missed by all of the club members and other

Submitted by Keith Borland, Sni Valley Antique Machinery
Association, Oak Grove, Missouri 64075.

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