DONALD L. ABBOTT, 58, of Lexington, Indiana, passed away on
April 4, 1995 after a two month illness.
Don was a custodian for Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana, for
the last eight years. He is survived by his wife Mary; two sons,
Michael and William; one daughter, Penny Brittain; three
grandchildren; his mother; one brother; and one sister.
He loved anything Massey-Harris related, having been around them
all his life. He was always willing to help other collectors out,
having a vast knowledge of technical information. He also loved
going to tractor shows as often as he could, particularly the shows
at Rushville and Portland, Indiana. He especially enjoyed the 1993
reunion at Georgetown, Ohio, and the Massey Harris show and
collectors banquet.
Pop, as he was affectionately called by his family, will be very
sorely missed by his family and friends.
Submitted by his son, Bill Abbott, of 6546 S. SR 62,
Lexington, Indiana 47138.
WILLARD MAIN, of Macon, Missouri, passed away March 29th, 1995,
after a long illness.
Willard founded the Macon County Flywheel & Collectible Club
15 years ago. He served as president for most of those years. He
loved old engines and stayed interested in all aspects of the club
until his death. He leaves his wife Doris, a daughter and three
‘On the passing of an old friend:
‘People are two kinds, and he was the kind I’d like to
‘Some preach their virtues and a few express their lives by
what they do; that sort was he.
‘No flowery phrase or glibly spoken word of praise won
friends for him. He wasn’t cheap or sallow, but his course ran
deep, and it was pure.
‘You know the kind, not many in life you find, whose deeds
outrun their words so far that more than what they seem, they
are.’ (Unknown.)
Submitted by friends J. and Jan Biehl, Rt. 4, Kirksville,
Missouri 63501.
RAYMOND L. YOUNG, of Westminster, Maryland, born in 1901, was a
man who took very seriously his role in life as caretaker, parent,
and provider. He was a man of strong character with the courage to
stand up for his convictions concerning right and wrong as he
understood them.
Mr. Young was blessed with a large measure of mechanical
ability. Even though he started life in much simpler times, he
marveled at technology available today and spoke of how much more
he could have learned had he had the opportunities available today.
He was innovative. He could fix anything with materials at
He was one of the few persons who ever lived who experienced
first hand the complete mechanization of the farm from hand to
machine. As a young boy he witnessed his father flailing rye on the
barn floor. He also could use the flail and would demonstrate it at
the steam shows each year. During his lifetime he cradled wheat. He
cut wheat with a reaper and then a binder. He operated a hand fed
thresher with a four horse sweep and then a steam engine. He
operated one of the first combines and then a modern self propelled
He helped organize and was a life long director of the Mason
Dixon Steam Historical Society. He was willing and anxious to share
his knowledge with anyone. Many of the members of the Society today
are there because of the encouragement and help Mr. Young gave
Mr. Raymond L. Young family man, farmer, steam engineer,
thresher-man, carpenter, teacher, man of God, and gentleman.
Submitted by Herb Wessel, 2200 Fair-mount Road, Hampstead,
Maryland 21074.