R. HERSCHEL McCANN of Qunicy, Ohio, passed away May 3 in Lima,
Ohio. He was 78.
Herschel as a young boy worked at water-operated flour mills; he
later hired on at the Piqua (Ohio) Milling Company, where he
operated gasoline engines. In the Navy in World War II, Herschel
attended GM Diesel School, and was an officer in the engine room
aboard several classes of ships.
He loved trains and steam engines, and over the years attended
many gas engine and steam shows in Ohio and Indiana. Wauseon,
Portland, Darke County and Rushville were among his favorite shows.
In 1989 he attended the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion at Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, which fulfilled a dream of many years.
Over the years Herschel owned many engines, including a
Lima-built Buckeye. He also was familiar with WACO airplanes,
having been raised in Troy, Ohio, where they were built in the
He was Quincy’s fire chief for 35 years, and water and sewer
superintendent for 10 years. He will be sorely missed by many gas
engine fans who knew him.
Submitted by J.D. Brookhart, St. Marys, Ohio.
JOHN E. STAMBAUGH, born December 3, 1907, died May 16, 1998.
Surviving are his wife, son and daughter.
He threshed many years in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and
Carroll County, Maryland. He owned two Rumely outfits, and was also
a grain buyer. He threshed until the combine came. He had a hobby
in his later years of collecting old Rumelys and restoring them. He
liked the Gas Engine Magazine and attended many shows. We will miss
him a lot.
Submitted by C. E. Stambaugh, R.R. 3, Box 380ID, Spring
Grove, Pennsylvania 17362.