By Staff
Published on August 1, 1986
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ELMER K. RICE, of Jefferson Avenue, Hagerstown, Maryland, died
suddenly June 3, 1986. Elmer had many loyal friends who will
greatly miss him. He was a big, quiet, gentle and very friendly
man, and he was always ready to do a favor for anyone. Even those
good engine folks that he never knew the names of. He was always
willing to give someone a helping hand to start their engine or to
do anything else that would help them. Through these kind deeds to
his many nameless friends his buddies affectionately called him
‘Greasy Thumb’. The way he got his nickname was because he
could keep those engines running smoothly. Elmer was always proud
of his 1914 Quincy tractor that he drove in many parades such as
Williams Grove, Barryville, Virginia, and also in the many engine
shows that he attended.

At the Wolfsville, Maryland, show you could find Elmer at his
engine stall with his old Butcher Kettle, which contained a can of
lard, potatoes, slicers, strainers, etc. And guess what!! It seems
as though he made tons of the old time potato chips. And as fast as
he could make them he would then give the chips to the show

Elmer Rice was a good man and all of his close engine buddies
hope that when he crosses over to heaven that all the engines there
are made of solid gold. And we all hope that there won’t be any
wobbly flywheels, loose bearings, leaky oilers, as he deserves that
they will all start on the first pull.

Submitted by his very close friend, Charles M. Carbaugh, 17
Frick Avenue, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania 17268.

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