By Staff
Published on April 1, 1995
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DONALD L. RIDGWAY, 80, of Xenia, Ohio, passed away December 27,
1994. He was born in Highland County, Ohio, on December 24,

Don owned and operated the Ridgway Camper Sales in Xenia, Ohio,
before retiring. He was past president and an honorary lifetime
member of the Old Timers Club of Xenia, Ohio. He was a member of
the Florida Flywheelers. He served as a volunteer for Meals on
Wheels at Greene Memorial Hospital of Xenia.

In addition to his wife Edris, whom he married on February 6,
1935, he is survived by one son and two daughters.

Don was a collector of small gas engines, and at most shows that
he would attend he was known as the Briggs & Stratton man.

Don will be missed by many people.

WALDO McCOY, 75, of Port William Road, Wilmington, Ohio, passed
away October 13, 1994. He was born in Xenia, Ohio, and had farmed
all of his life.

He was a World War II veteran; a member of the Lumberton
Methodist Church; American Legion -49 of Wilmington; VFW Post 2402,
Xenia; past president of the Clinton County Antique Machinery Club;
honorary lifetime member of the Old Timers Club in Xenia, and
served on the board of directors of that club for nine years. He
and his wife Loma were named King and Queen of the 1994 Old Timers
Days in Xenia.

He is survived by his wife Loma; they had been married 50 years.
Also surviving are a daughter and two grandsons.

Waldo was a collector of Massey-Harris tractors and enjoyed
camping at the different shows. He had been in charge of camping
for the Old Timers ever since we had camping of any size. It will
be hard to drive through the camping area this coming show and not
see or hear Waldo.

The two remembrances above were

submitted by Wilbur Burnett, 2140 Waynesville Road, Bellbrook,
Ohio 45305.

JOHN R. GARDNER, 76, died January 7, 1995 in Salt Lake City
following a struggle with cancer. He was born May 31, 1918 in West
Jordan, Utah.

John will certainly be missed by his family, friends and all the
members of the Utah Antique Machine Association in which he was a
very active member. John was instrumental in building our weight
transfer sled for our tractor pulls and thoroughly enjoyed pulling
his Caterpillar crawler tractor which he had in tip top shape. We
have a class here for antique tractors in our pulls. I would guess
that the biggest challenge was his Caterpillar 10 tractor against
Dick Erickson’s 8-16 Mogul, 1916 version. The Mogul usually
out-pulled the Cat, but in the 1994 July 4th pull the Cat 10
out-pulled the Mogul, due to track conditions. John was an
excellent mechanic, welder and layout man, just like his father and
other family members. He was an engineer for the Caterpillar
Tractor Company from 1947 to 1951. If you look in your Nebraska
test book by C. H. Wendel, on page 150 John is shown on the D8
Caterpillar. John was also an excellent woodworker. He made several
clocks and two violins. He also enjoyed outdoor activities such as
hunting, fishing, camping and horseback riding.

Submitted by Richard Erickson, P.O. Box 400, West Jordan, Utah

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