Looking for information on unique cart-style hay press

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on November 23, 2011
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Does anyone know more about Truman C. Naramore’s cart hay press? It was featured in the Pacific Rural Press of May 22, 1886.

From text accompanying the illustration: “Possesses advantages far above any press in the market, being cheaper in price, is lighter, requires no wagon to move it about, takes but two minutes’ time to set up for work or tip down for moving. Can be worked by one or two horses, with two or three men, or entirely by hand power by two men. Is adapted to wire or rope for ties. Capacity is from 8 to 15 tons a day.

“It can press compactly for railroad shipment, or medium or light for local trade, at the will of the operator, stopping at any point to tie; it requires but one filling to complete the bale. The hay is tramped in, not rammed in or beaten in, which shells the seed and injures the quality of the hay.

“Can make bales from 100 to 400 lbs., or can press two bales at one operation, weighing 100 lbs. or more each. It is portable on its own wheels and moves like a common cart. To place in position for pressing it is dumped back and over until the box sits on end, freeing the wheels from the ground, when they become powerful drums to run the press with connection with the pulleys on each side.

“The weight is about 1,600 lbs. Price, $150 to $200, or more when made to special order as to dimensions of bale, etc. Regular size of bale 44 inches long by 23 through. Important improvements in strength and utility for 1886. They took the diploma at several fairs in California last fall. Agents wanted. Send for circulars containing testimonials. T.C. Naramore, Los Angeles, Cal.”

Richard Allen,
email: dickera2011@hotmail.com

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