By Staff
Published on September 1, 1985

I’m happy to report that our transition to computer labels
on your last issue went very smoothly. There were a few minor
problems, which seem to be ironing out, and by the time you receive
this issue, we should be in good shape. Quite a few of you who had
already renewed in advance still received expiration envelopes in
your August issue, so you can just discard them. Also, some of the
expiration dates weren’t quite right, and that should get
straightened out, too. We do appreciate hearing from those of you
who let us know about the problems.

Again, I think I should remind those of you who receive notices
that your subscription is expiring, do send them back to us
before you get your next issue, as with only a
month between mailings, we may not receive a renewal from your last
copy before we mail the next one and it will save you the expense
of buying missed issues as back numbers.

I think I also need to remind our Canadian friends that our
subscription rates are all given in U. S. FUNDS,
so please either send us U. S. funds or allow for an exchange rate
(currently) of about 4 Canadian dollars for every 3 U. S.

Please keep your show reports and stories coming in! With more
issues, we have more space, and are using our stories with less lag
time, so do take a crack at being an author! And if you’ve been
to some new shows this year, let us know how to contact them the
1986 Directory mailing will be going out in early October.

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