By Staff
Published on October 1, 1987

Now, while your memories are fresh and your snapshots are new,
is the’ time to send us your show reports from the summer
shows! And especially those of you with the rare stationary
engines-we want to hear your story and so do our readers!

If you’re hoping to advertise something you sell for
Christmas this year, remember that the November and December issues
are just ahead. Judy Gatchell, our advertising manager tells me
that last year some of you were disappointed about missing these
issues, so she thought you’d appreciate a reminder.

Once again, in about mid-October we’re planning our mailing
for 1988 Directory listings. Don’t miss out by failing to keep
us up to date on new shows or changes in your contact people. Write
to us if you need to change or add to the mailing list.

We’re also working on an article about safety regulations
for an upcoming issue. If your club has written regulations, please
send me a copy. Thanks!

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