From all we’ve seen and heard, this year seems to have been
another good one for engine shows despite droughts and depression
in some areas of the country.
It’s too soon to report much on the questions we posed in
last month’s letter specifically whether clubs will seek to
organize in some fashion in order to obtain group liability
insurance coverage. We have heard from Jack Versteeg, national
president of the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association,
Inc., who is working on this issue on behalf of the 21 member
branches. We know that liability coverage continues to be a
challenge to clubs, and we have heard of several groups who
didn’t hold a show this year because they couldn’t obtain
insurance there may be others. Do write to me about this and
we’ll continue to report what we hear.
In our October 1985 issue, we had color pictures inside the
magazine for the first time. Over the past year, we’ve gotten
many compliments on our use of color, and we wish to increase it in
the coming year, so do keep sending us stories. We are especially
looking for good color slides or prints from those of you who have
done painstaking restorations of engines to their original colors
share them with our readers. And do remember that the better your
picture is, the better it will look when printed!
Each fall, we send out a mailing to engine club contact people
seeking information for the next year’s Show Directory. Our
1987 Directory mailing will be going out early in October. Each
club will receive a package of information, and forms to fill out
for free listing in our ’87 Directory (and advertising if
desired). If you hold a steam or gas engine show that was not
listed in our 1986 directory, send us your name and address and the
show name, and we’ll send you the directory information. We
want to include all the shows that are planned for 1987.