With the hot and cold, wet and dry vagaries of the weather so
far in 1987, we wish you fair skies and pleasant temperatures from
now until the Hot Stove League takes you indoors.
We’d like to hear from your organizations on how you did
this spring and summer, and what your plans may be for seasons to
come. Are you adding new buildings or new program features? Did you
learn anything this year that you can apply for greater success in
the future? We welcome your letters, articles and pictures.
Speaking of the look-ahead, we are getting set for the 1988
Steam & Gas Show Directory, which will be our 14th annual
edition. It is firmly rooted as an important guide for all
collectors. Please send your listings and ads to us early, so that
it can come out on time early in 1988. If you know of new shows-or
any that have been discontinued-send word.
We are also gearing up for another Farm Museum Directory, to
succeed the issue of a couple of years ago. If you operate a farm
museum you’ll want to be included. As with the Steam & Gas
Show Directory, we give you a free listing; if you advertise, we
bill for that.
The team of Gerald and Margaret Lestz visited with people in the
hobby in New York State and Canada in August, and a few articles
will reflect our travels. Engine people are the salt of the