This May’s issue is significantly larger than our May issues
have been in the past, and we are all pleased to have gotten it to
the printer on time! When GEM became a monthly with the May 1985
issue, there were 64 pages in the magazine compared to the 96 we
have this month, this year! We are trying to keep up with the
growth in the number of pages, and hope you will be patient with
us, as our printer has shortened our deadlines this year. It is an
enormous help to us if you are able to send your ads in to us ahead
of the deadline, and we really appreciate any effort you can make
towards doing this, particularly during spring and summer
We expect work on our Collectors’ Network to be done in
another month or so, and think those of you involved in this will
be pleased with the result. For us, it has been a fascinating
introduction to each of you and your different interests.
Plan to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the tractor? We’d
like to do some extra color pictures, and we’d especially like
to start with the oldest tractors we can. If you’ve got
something to contribute here, either in the form of photos or club
news, please send it to us, and we’ll see what we can put
And now that the spring thaw has come, enjoy all the swap meets
and auctions that are advertised in this issue