By the time you read this your 1988 Steam & Gas Show
Directory should be in the mails or on the way to our post office.
The book is bigger and more comprehensive than ever, with 104
pages. If you have not ordered, why not do it today? We want you to
be fully informed.
This promises to be the busiest season ever for readers and
their organizations. We don’t think our subscribers or their
show visitors were too disturbed by what happened in the stock
market last fall. We wish every one of you happy shows with record
attendance and financial support.
We looked back to Vol. 1, No. 1 of GEM, to see who was in the
news and what was going on in 1966. The cover featured a 6 HP
Springfield Type A #3086, which had been owned by the Folk family
of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and was sold to Howard Geisinger for
the Kempton Farm Museum. A pair of photos showed Alan New, 11, and
brother Jimmy, 6, of Pendleton, Indiana, with engines; last we
heard, they were still collecting. The center spread showed a
tractor powering oats threshing near Cloquet, Minnesota, courtesy
of Clarence M. Reed, of Akron, Ohio.
Would you like some reminiscent articles on what was shown in
GEM in the early issues? We have the bound copies and will oblige
if you wish. Someone suggested a reprint of Vol. 1, No. 1. What do
you say?
We are looking toward a new edition of the Farm Museum Directory
but have not yet sent out any forms. As with the first, we would
offer a free listing for each museum, and would sell ads.
If you send us copies of your publications-newsletters or show
books-we’ll try to do a roundup article or series.
As we understand, our readers look on GEM as a ‘family
letter’, a means for communication between all the people in
this hobby. We try to keep it that way, without intrusion of
extraneous material, and emphasis on words as written by the
collectors. Please keep that in mind, and write without prejudice
or rancor.