This is our biggest issue ever, and we hope you will enjoy it!
Our Reflections column is quite long this month and full of
interesting questions plus more modelmaking information.
At this time of year, our deadlines are really critical, and we
appreciate your efforts to get your ads to us in advance or on
time! Because of our shortened working time from our printer, we
are no longer able to accept ads that come in after the 7th of each
Again, do be patient about show reports-we have a lot of them,
and we’re trying to get them in before your next show.
You’ll notice in the Reflections column that Mr. Wendel has
again called for a Buyer’s Guide to help collectors locate
needed services. (His suggestions are always noticed when we set
the type for his column!) We agree this is a good idea, one whose
time has probably come. Since many of our Collectors’ Network
(to be mailed out any day now) participants offered some kind of
services, we think it makes sense to build that directory and to
expand it into a network and service guide. Do send us your
suggestions, we always like to read them.