Many show reports are presented in this month’s GEM, to help
you keep abreast of what is going on across the country among our
thriving organizations. The number of collectors keeps growing, as
GEM circulation figures show, and we are encouraged to see the many
younger folks who are being welcomed into the ranks.
If you have an interesting story about a boy or girl, or a group
of teenagers, either restoring engines or taking part in club
programs, please send it along, with pictures.
By now our 1988 Steam and Gas Show Directory is fully in use, as
our readers catch up on what they can see, and plan their trips
accordingly. We have found that often the contact person we use to
send our Directory inquiries and advertising info to has changed.
If your club elects new officers or changes contact people, please
drop us a line so we can update our files. If you have not received
your Steam and Gas Show Directory, you can still obtain one.
Who’s the oldest kid on your block? Since Willard on NBC
Today keeps featuring people 100 years old or more, we figure there
must be some veteran collectors who qualify also. Let us know.
We are pleased with the excellence of articles and photos that
keep coming in to GEM. From the time GEM was founded 22 years ago
by Rev. Elmer Ritzman, it has faithfully chronicled the rise of the
hobbies of collecting and restoring tractors and stationary gas
engines. If you have all the past issues, you have a remarkable
history of people and their engines. Many readers save their copies
and read them over and over again.