We have one very good index that tells us this will prove to be
an excellent season for all organizations and shows. This index is
the number of copies of our 1987 Steam & Gas Show Directory
which we have sold. The issue is totally gone. We are still
receiving requests and checks but we cannot meet the demand.
We’ll increase the print order for the 1988 edition, and
suggest you get your information and your requests for copies in as
early as possible. The new forms will be going out at a time to be
announced. And thank you for buying all those copies!
As the hobby of collecting and restoring of stationary engines
and tractors develops, so does the information available on engines
and manufacturers. We are trying to do what we can, through the
‘Reflections’ column written by Charles Wendel; through
articles by our readers, and through the books and catalogs in our
sales list. The day may never come when all questions will be
answered but you can find out a tremendous lot more now than was
possible BGEM (before GEM).
The American Society of Agricultural Engineers has prepared the
first two of a series of ten projected video tapes (VHS only) on
early farm and construction equipment in action. Price is $35.00
each; add $1.50 for postage and handling on each order. Send
inquiries on Tracks and Wheels series to ASAE, Dept. 2222, 2950
Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659. Or call (616) 429-0300, Ext.
41. We read about this in the Newsletter of the Society for
Industrial Archaeology.
We are still considering the Photo Contest but would like
further word from subscribers before making the final
Also, we will explore a reprint of Richard Babbitt’s 1915
(see GEM issue Nov. 1986, pages 8 & 9) New Idea catalogue in
color if we sense there is sufficient interest. Let us know if you
think so!