We are happy to have you with us as we enter a new year of GEM.
We are now in our 22nd year, and it is appropriate to pay homage to
the Rev. Elmer Ritzman, founder of this firm, for his foresight. He
saw the need for a magazine that gas engine people would call their
own, and we have tried to keep it that way. We wish also to suggest
that oldtimers write to Elmer’s widow, Erlene, whose address is
808 Wertzville Road, Enola, PA. We appreciate Erlene’s judgment
that we could do the job Elmer would have approved.
Our friends at the Smithsonian Institution provide us with a lot
of exciting information for this issue. It’s about the new full
color poster of the 1924 John Deere Model D tractor. The full page
ad for this poster appeared in our December 1986 issue, telling you
how to order it for anywhere from $3.00 to $6.00 each, depending on
the quantity you buy. We have seen the poster and it is
Reflections is receiving a lot of letters. Keep up the
Question: We’re considering publication of a directory of
collectors. Would you like the idea? We are studying costs and will
put one together if that’s what collectors want.
Responses for our 1987 Steam and Gas Show Directory are coming
in now. Don’t miss the deadline, December 15. If you know of a
new show, or one that’s been ended, please tell us.
GEM wishes you the best, for yourself, your organizations and
your shows in 1987.