The new year brings the promise of new shows and new
accomplishments-and right in line with all those is our new Steam
& Gas Show Directory, due out in mid-February. As you read
this, the printing process has begun and we hope to start shipping
copies as close to February 15 as possible.
The 1988 Show Directory contains a number of new shows in its 96
pages of information and photos. It’s $4.00 a copy postpaid;
wholesale rates apply for larger quantities.
On another matter of importance, we’re gearing up for a
banner year of magazine publicity and advertising on shows in the
U. S., Canada and elsewhere. Ad packages are being sent to all who
have placed advertising with us in the past year. No increase is
made in ad rates. If you wish to discuss placement of your ads in
1988, get in touch with our Ad Department.
Safety regulations are still of great interest to us. We urge
every organization to make its own-and enforce them.
We are working with the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor
Association, Inc., on a series of articles and photos. If you are
the scribe for a unit, don’t forget we’re counting on
A new Steam gas Farm Museum Directory is in the works. We are
now soliciting both listings and paid ads. It is to be published
sometime this spring. If your museum was in the first one-or if it
wasn’t and qualifies-let us hear from you.
Steam gas is also cooperating on the issuance of a new Old Order
Amish Shop & Service Directory, to succeed one issued in 1977.
We’re working with Pequea Publishers, which put out the first
one, and if you want information on ad rates, we’ll be glad to
mail it.
Collectors write to us asking for appraisals on value of
engines, but we are not equipped to provide this service. We
recommend trying to find someone in the area who can do it. If you
are a responsible appraiser, let us know so that we can tell
Now don’t get upset about this, but we’re asking
everyone to take more time on preparation of classified ads. We
prefer to receive them typed. If you write yours out by hand,
please make it CLEAR! We cannot be responsible for errors that may
occur when we try to decipher your script.