Our staff has had a frantic time getting out this issue and
taking part in the holiday preparations, all at the same time, but
here we are again with a GEM full of articles, pictures and ads you
won’t want to miss!
As 1986 enters, we look back over triumphs and tragedies of 1985
and resolve to do better. Everything considered, this shaped up as
an excellent year for organizations and events. Many set new
records for attendance and participation; others ran into problems
such as bad weather or minor mishaps.
May this be your best year yet!
Articles in this issue include one on the Kansas and Oklahoma
Show, at Winfield, Kansas, which the editor was able to attend. We
met a lot of wonderful people part of that great race of men and
women known as Engine folk.
Reflections readers will find the column longer than usual for a
very good reason the intense interest in what our good friend
Wendel says. Keep those cards and letters coming, for he’s
ready to give you a real assist.
Our annual Steam & Gas Show Directory is underway; listings
are still coming in. It is due out in mid-February. Incidentally,
if you operate a farm museum of any kind, send us a note marked
‘Farm Museum’.
A long story on ‘The Real Fordson’, by Jack Heald and
Tom Brent presents a fascinating tale on the development of the MOM
tractor. It’s just one of our many choice offerings.
Keep sending us articles and photos; they’re always in
demand here to fill the pages of your favorite magazine.