There is still time-time to look over our gift offerings and
make those important decisions on what you want to give others and
what you would like for yourself. Indian Summer passes,
Thanksgiving passes, and then you are up against the clock-so sit
down calmly now, and prepare your order so that we can send it in
time for you to enjoy at Christmas.
Please take a reminder on sending in your free listing and
advertising for our 1988 Steam and Gas Show Directory. Be certain
the names and numbers are correct; make any changes necessary for
updating. If you have not received your material from us, for the
Directory, drop a line right away to Judy Gatchell, so that you
will be right there in type when the book appears.
We are also starting work on the second Farm Museum Directory.
If you were listed in the edition that came out two years ago, read
over what you said about your museum and organization and see that
it is correct for 1988. You will receive a mailing if your museum
is listed. Remember, this guide is only for farm
How did your organization do on its show or shows in 1987?
We’d like reports from around the country, in an effort to show
the national standings in both the U.S. and Canada-and abroad too,
for that matter.
Information on new clubs is always welcome. Tell us how you got
started, and how you are doing.
Happy Holidays to all!