By Staff
Published on August 1, 1987

Who attends more shows and reunions than anyone else? From the
interest shown in our 1987 Steam & Gas Show Directory (it’s
a sellout) we would say that many of our readers attend half a
dozen or more events. That is all to the good, for it builds
fellowship among collectors and helps the exchange of ideas.

We get calls from all over. One came in from a new subscriber in
Austria the other day. Collectors call from Great Britain to tell
of articles they would like to offer. That goes for the United
States and Canada too. In addition, the mails keep bringing stories
and pictures-and we are happy to hear from everyone!

Please note that we have added a brand new service-we accept
VISA and MASTERCARD charges. There has been a growing call for this
from readers and we are happy to oblige.

Many changes in show dates have been reported to us since the
1987 Directory was assembled during the past winter months.
Corrected dates appear here as we receive them. Apparently one
cause of confusion was that shows which are annually held
‘first weekend after Labor Day’ would take new dates
because Labor Day is later this year than in some other years.

If you want to get in touch with Charles Wendel, please write
him and do not call. Charles does not do the column fulltime; he
has another job. Further, some callers seem not to be aware that
there are differences in time zones, and call him in the middle of
the night.

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