Our Steam and Gas Show directories have finally arrived from the
printer,’ and we’ll be anxiously awaiting our readers’
response. Remember, if you find an error in your show’s dates,
for whatever reason, let us know so that we can try to print
corrections in a future issue of our magazines. There are thousands
of bits of information in the directory, and occasionally an error
is made, so do let us hear from you. We’re very pleased with
the results this year, and hope you’ll order in time for it to
be most useful to you.
Nathan Tank, a subscriber from Walcott, Iowa wrote to give us
some thoughtful criticism about our failure to provide references
in Jack Heald’s last installment of The Real Fordson printed in
our November 1988 issue. We apologize for not being more careful in
giving exact references to the previous articles in that series.
For those of you who would like to know, the WHOLE REAL FORDSON
story can be found by looking in these back issues: July 1985, page
21; February 1986, page 22; August 1987, page 2 and September 1987,
page 18. The CONCLUSION appeared in the November 1988 issue on page
14. A lot of work went into Jack’s series over the 4 years and
we hope this information will help everyone who will be going back
to review it.
If you are the person placing advertising for your club’s
show this year and you didn’t receive one of our packages of
information and would like one, don’t hesitate to let us know
and we’ll be glad to send it to you. We have had a rate change,
and the new rates are printed in the back of each issue.
We have been receiving lots of stories, and many show reports,
so do be patient in waiting for your news to come to print! It may
take a bit longer than usual, but we are trying to keep up!
David Baas, of 22 Winwood Court, Floyd Knobs, IN 47119 is a
subscriber who is working on a project we hope to publish later
this year. Dave is assembling information for a book on garden
tractors, since there is a gap on this subject. If you have
information or pictures to share for this work, write to Dave or to
us so we can proceed.
Happy Spring!