By Staff
Published on April 1, 1986

Our Table of Contents is very full this time, so I’ll keep
my letter short! We’re pleased to be getting so many stories
and letters do keep it up! Lots more on gas engines in this

Our apology to Richard Day, whose marine engine books were
reviewed on page 13 in our February issue. The prices given in the
article were not postpaid, and numerous subscribers wrote to him
for the books without allowing for postage. See his ad on page 47
for details.

Our Directories have been mailed out, and a few shows have since
changed their dates. To help them out, we’re putting their
dates in bold type in our Coming Events ads to draw your attention
to the new dates. We didn’t have room to advertise the
Directory in this magazine, but copies are still available at $4.00
each postpaid!

Another ad we didn’t have room for was the one about back
issues! Please note that when you order back issues, they often
take 6 to 8 weeks to get to you, since they are sent out by 2nd
class mail only once a month, when the magazine is mailed. Do be

As show season approaches, a word to those of you in charge of
advertising! Deadlines are printed in the back of the magazine each
month, but do note that the ‘approximate mailing date’ is
the day we take the magazines to the Post Office. Add at least 21
days to that when figuring when your ad will probably be seen by
all subscribers. If you have any questions about advertising, write
or call Judy Gatchell, our advertising manager.

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