This 88-page issue of GEM is sent to you as we enter the peak
season of shows and reunions. The issue is full of stories and ads
of prime interest to all dedicated collectors, restorers and
organization members. We are running well ahead of last year in the
total number of pages in the first part of 1987.
We have a correction to make: In relation to the liability
insurance plan discussed in the April issue by Jack Versteeg,
president of the National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor
Association Inc., it is necessary for any group wishing to take
part to become a member of the association. Jack explains that this
enables outlining of safety guidelines for each participating
group, and establishment of some sort of history to furnish to the
insurance carrier.
With more issues on the way during prime season time, we urge
all of you who send in ads to make certain they arrive here before
our deadline times. Don’t mail the last day and hope to get in
under the wire. Our office is at peak of business just before each
issue goes to press, and we do not wish to have anyone miss a
chance to make the issue.
Our 1987 Steam & Gas Show Directory is selling well. We
still have some on hand, so order today if you need one or more
Would you be interested in a photo contest? We welcome reader
input on this. As we have talked about it thus far, it might be
divided into two classes: color and black-and-white. We might
divide it into pictures of engines, people, and events or displays.
Prizes might be $100 first, $75 second, $50 for the next five; free
subscriptions and free copies of the show directory. The full
calendar year would be covered, so that entries would not be due
until Jan. 1, 1988, and winners would be published as soon as
possible after that.
What do you think? Stay tuned for more!