By Staff
Published on January 1, 1990

With this January 1990 issue, we stand on the threshold of a new
decade! GEM is now 25 years old, and entering its 26th year of
publication. We look forward to an exciting future full of homage
to farm machinery of the past!

This month, we are introducing a new column, written by Jack
Versteeg, President of the National Early Day Gas Engine &
Tractor Association. This first column appears on page 27, and will
begin with some history of the organization. We hope that the many
members of the various EDGE&TA branches will enjoy reading the
messages from their national president, and that their network will
grow because of this feature.

Our directory listing forms are coming in now for the 1990 Steam
and Gas Show Directory. Don’t forget that DECEMBER 15TH is the
deadline for the listings and advertising in the Directory! As you
know, this is a once-a-year opportunity to reach thousands of
showgoers. Be sure your material for your show is here by the

We just want to mention that we’re gradually changing the
typesetting system we’ve been using, and have added a
‘desktop publishing system.’ This means that we can use
your diskettes if you type and record your stories on a personal
computer. Our system is an IBM-compatible one, and we can accept
several different word processing programs, as well as ASCII files.
We mention this, since a growing number of our authors are sending
us printouts from home computers, so keep it in mind!

And here’s to an exciting 1990!

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