Several letters which we’ve received from suscribers this
month bear mentioning here. First, on the subject of liability
insurance, we heard from Robert Tallman of Harbeson Delaware, who
urged fellow enthusiasts to ‘prod our law makers to stop
procrastinating and get down to the business of finalizing some
meaningful legislation that will curb unrealistic settlements as
well as restoring the need for the plaintiff to prove negligence of
others before he can collect for an accident that may have been of
his own making.’ Tallman also thought Jack Versteeg’s
efforts to obtain group coverage through the National Early Day Gas
Engine & Tractor Association was a good idea.
Jack Versteeg, president of the NEDGE & TA, Inc., has some
good news of his own to report: ‘Through our agent here and his
National Company, there is liability insurance available that will
cover our branches in a very favorable manner. The insurance that
is available is not a National policy, but an individual branch
policy only. It was felt that if we went to a National policy the
cost of handling the paperwork would increase the cost too much.
The premiums on this type of insurance will be very affordable and
is dependent on a branch’s size.’
Jack goes on to say that groups need not be members of the EDGE
&. TA to acquire the insurance, and any groups wishing to
pursue this should contact any of the club’s officers for
further information. (See list below.)
Finally, we got a letter from Ben Hill of the Early Engine Club,
Inc. in Schaghticoke, New York. He pointed out that the lady
captioned on page 9 of our February issue as an ‘engine
widow’ is actually an engine buff! She is Dee McBride and is
president of the Early Engine Club!
On a recent trip to California, I spoke to a number of club
officers and individual collectors and was pleased to hear that
they like GEM immensely. Keep those stories and pictures coming,
and have a tremendous time at your events this season!