Route 4, Huntington, Indiana 46750
1908 Temple Pump Co. Chicago, Ill, Combination Tractor 5 to 45 H
1911 Thompson Breese Co. Wapokonata, Ohio. 30 H P. Tioga Tr. Co.
Baltimore, Md. ‘Tioga 18 / 32’ 2 cyl.
1920 Tillermobile Co. Minneapolis, Minn. ‘Tillermobile 2 to
1916 Tom Thumb Tr. Co. Minneapolis, Minn. ‘Tom Thumb 12 /
20′. Topeka Farming &Mach. Topeka, Kan. ’15 H P
Autotractor.’ Topp Stewart Tr. Co. Clintonville, Wis. 4 Wheel
drive 30 / 50′. Toro Motor Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Motor Cult.
& a fou wheel tractor’.
1914 Townsend Tr. Co. Janesville, Wis. ‘Townsend’.
Townsend Tr. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. E F T 6 / 12′.
1920 Traction Motor Corp. Muskegon, Mich. ‘Traction
1925 Traction Motor Co. Muskegon, Mich. 50/65 8 cyl.
1907 Transit Thresher Co., Mpls. Minn. Later became Gas Traction
& Big 4.
1919 Traylor Eng. & Mfg. Co. Cornwell, Pa. ‘Traylor
Motor Culti. 6 / 12’.
1918 Trenam Tr. Co. Stevens Point, Wis. ‘Trenam 12 /
24’. Triumph Tk. & Tr. Co. Kan City, Kan. ‘Triumphh 18
/ 36’.
1918 Trogan Unit Tr. Co. Waterloo, la. ‘Trogan 32 / 40’.
Turner Mfg. Co. Port Washington, Wis. ‘Turner 12 / 20 & 14
/ 25’. Twin Ports Steel & Mach. Co. Superior, Wis.
‘Twin Ports 18/36’.
1912 Union Iron Works. Mpls. ‘Skibo 18 / 25′, & New
Gearless 7 / 12’.
1917 Union Tr. Co. San Francisco, Cal. ‘Union Bulldog 18 /
30’. United Tr. Corp, Frankford, N.Y. ‘Mohawk 8 /
1929 United Tr. & Equip. Co. Chicago, Ill. Later became
Allis Chalmers.
1910 The Universal Tr. Co. Stillwater, Minn. Later Gas Pull.
1912 Universal Tr. Mfg. Columbus, O. Sold to Moline Plow Co. in
1913. Universal Tr. Co. Cal. U.S. Farming & Mach. Co.
Minneapolis. ‘Mark 15/25’.
1918 U.S. Tr. & Mach. Co. Menasha, Wis. ‘Uncle Sam 20 /
1914 Utility Steel Tr. Co. Antigo, Wis. 4 wheel drive.
1892 Van Duzen Gas Eng. Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. ‘Van
1910 Valentine Bros. Mfg. Co. Mpls. ‘Imperial 35 / 70’.
4 cyl. built one year. Van Nostrand Plow Co. Omaha, Nebr. 75 H P
Rotary Digger. Velie Motor Corp. Moline, Ill. ‘Biltwal 12 /
1916 Victor Tr. Co. Greensburg, Ind. ‘Victor 9 / 18’
& 34 HP.
1920 Indiana made by Indiana Silo Company, Anderson, Indiana
owned by Rolland E. Maxwell, Huntington, Indiana 46750.
Pictured above is my Olds, No. 4, Type A, 6 HP engine. Shop
Number D6908 patented September 25, 1906. Manufactured by Seagar
Engine Works, Lansing, Michigan. I do not know what year it was
built. The small one is a 1-1/2 HP Stewart – 1928. I had them for a
showing at the 1972 Apple Gate Trail Days, Veneta, Oregon. The back
machine is a 15 HP Westinghouse steam tractor that is owned by
Willis Smith, Franklin, Oregon.
I would appreciate any information on the Olds engine as to
color it should be and the year.
1919 Victory Tr. Co. Minneapolis, Minn. 34 H P.
1913 Vincennes Tr. Co. Vincennes, Ind. 40 H P 2 cyl. opp.
1918 Vincennes Tr. Co. Vincennes, Ind. 40 H P 4 cyl.
1920 Vim Tr. Co. Schleisinger, Wis. ‘Vim 10 /
1916 Waite Tr. Co. Chicago, Ill. ‘Waite 8/ 10’.
1903 Wallis Tr. Co. Cleveland, O. ‘Wallis Bear’, 1913
Wallis Cub 26 / 44′.
1914 Ward Tr. Co. Lincoln, Nebr. ’15 to 20 2 cyl. verti. 3
mounted plows.
1895 Waterloo Gas Eng. Waterloo, Ia. 1912 Waterloo Boy 12 / 25.
1918 to John Deere.
1893 Waterloo Gas Traction by John Froelich reorganized in 1895
to above name.
1927 Waterloo Mach. Co. Waterloo, Ont. Sales agency for Eagle
Tr. made in Wis.
1911 Waterloo Foundry Co. Waterloo, Ia., ‘Big Chief 8 /
115’. Waterloo Motor Works, Waterloo, Ia. 1901 Watrous Eng.
Works, St. Paul, Minn, enlarged in 1906.
1894 Webster Eng. Co. Waterloo, Ia. Welborn Corp. Kan. City,
Kan. ‘Coleman 16 / 30’.
1920 Wellman, Seavers, Morgan Co. Akron. O. ‘U S M 15 /
30’. Western Imp. Co. Davenport, Ia. ‘Creeping Grip
1920 Western Tr. Co. Wichita, Kan. ‘Western 16 / 32’.
Wetmore Co. Sioux City, Ia. ‘Witmore 12/26’.
1920 Wharton Motor Co. Dallas, Tex. ‘Wharton 20 / 40’.
Whitney Tr. Co. Cleveland, Ohio. ‘Whitney 9 / 18’.
1920 Wichita Falls Motor Co. Wichita Falls, Tex.
‘Wichita 15 / 30 & 20 / 30’.
1916 Wilson Tr. Co. Peoria, Ill. 4 wheel standard & Motor
1921 Wilson Tr. Mfg. Co. Ottumwa, Ia. ‘Wilson 12 /
1925 Wizard Tr. Corp. Los Angeles, Cal. 15′ / 27 & 20 /
35 4 wheel drive’. Wisconsin Farm Tr. Co. Sauk City, Wis.
Wisconsin 16 / 30′.
1916 Wolverine Detroit Tr. Co. Detroit, Mich. ‘Wolverine
Detroit 15 / 35’.
1914 Wolfe Tr. Co. La Porte, Inc. ‘Hoosier’. sold out to
Rumely in 1915.
1918 Worthington Pump & Mach. Co. Cudahy, Wis. ‘Igaco 10
/ 20’. 2 cyl. World Harv. Corp. N.Y. City. ‘Auto Tiller 8 /
14′. Yuba Co. Marysville, Cal. Crawler Yube 25 / 40’.
1921 Ypsilanti Hay Press Co. Ypsilanti, Mich. ‘Wolverine 18
/ 24’. Yankee Boy Tr. Co. Chicago, 111 ‘Yankee Boy 16 /
32’. Zelle Tr. Co. St. Louis, Mo. ‘Zelle 12 / 25’.
1920 Indiana made by Indiana Silo Company, Anderson, Indiana
owned by Rolland E. Maxwell, Huntington, Indiana 46750.