Palmyra, New York 14522.
This is a story of how we restored an old 28-50 Hart-Parr, one
of which is now forty years old. We have the 62nd one of this model
The tractor was first used in a sawmill between Palmyra and
Walworth in 1927. It stayed there for several years. It was then
sold to another farmer for a threshing tractor and another sawmill.
This farmer sold the tractor. Then it was used for power in the
Walworth feed mill. Later this mill burned with the tractor in it.
It was then purchased by the Duell Bros. of Walworth. They
completely rebuilt it and used it many years to thresh in the areas
of Walworth, Palmyra, and Marion. Finally it was sold to a junk
dealer of whom I purchased it. There it sat with weeds and
grapevines covering it over, rusted and pitted from years of
sitting outdoors.
After a close examination, I found that all parts were there and
in fair condition. I decided to buy the tractor and after some
dickering, it was mine. It did not run, so there was a problem on
how to get it home. The final decision was made. A neighbor of mine
offered to help me.
It was a nice day in May, but the wind was quite cold. The trip
was about 14 miles and going was slow. We had several spectators
wondering what in the world anyone would want or could do with such
an awkward looking thing. The trip took the better part of the day,
but was well worth it.
After I got it home, everyone was interested in helping to make
it run. My father, who was a thresher for many years and knew old
tractors as good as anyone, was the greatest assistant an old
tractor owner could have. My brother-in-law was looking for a hobby
and really interested, rolled up his sleeves and pitched in. Even
my wife was willing to help scrape and clean our old antique.
I wrote several letters to tractor parts companies for
information and always the answers were the same. ‘Too Old; No
Parts Available.’ However, I did get a lot of information from
the Oliver people. They were swell in coming through with a
mimeographed copy of the original Operators Manual. After talking
to several members of our Pioneer Gas Engine Association, who have
had the same problems as mine, I was able to get ideas on how to
defeat this problem.
The magneto was completely shot and a rebuilt one had to be
This I purchased through Rochester Magneto for about $45.00. The
gaskets were all in bad shape, wiring poor and oil leaked
everywhere. The carburetor was set up for the tractor had always
burned kerosene. The butterfly was completely ate up.
My brother who operates a machine shop really came through for
us although he has no interest in our hobby. We bought gasket
material and started cutting gaskets. I guess we ruined two good
jackknives before we were done. With new wiring, oil piping, and
gasoline piping, the day of reckoning was near. These jobs took
almost three months to complete with all hands working. When we put
each part back together, we made sure there was plenty of oil. With
the help of the Operators Manual, we set the timing and were ready
to go.
You know that darned thing started right off. Smoke! You
couldn’t see anything for awhile. Soon with a little
adjustment, the old thing was running smooth as silk. Rides were
given to every member of the family. What a joy to operate a
machine that is forty years old.
We then entered the tractor in the Pioneer Gas Show at
Fairville, New York. What enjoyment this was to work and exhibit
with fellow club members. Millions of questions were asked on how
does it work? and how did you get enough parts to make it run? With
all these questions to answer and free rides to be given, three
days flew by in all too big of a hurry. At the end of the show, my
father and brother-in-law decided it would be a great joy to run
the tractor back home on its own power. We had it trucked to the
The following Sunday afternoon, they set forth. The trip back
home is about 14 miles, traveling the back roads and keeping off
the main highways. Normally the trip would take 4? hours at a speed
of 3? miles per hour in high gear. They took about 8 hours, giving
free rides to everyone along the way, and stopping to answer
questions. There were several family reunions in progress and what
an occasion it was for them to see such a relic as this traveling
under its own power. My father and brother-in-law finally
arrived home, tired and hoarse, but what a lot of fun the trip had
been to them. This is a memory to last forever and can never be
measured in dollars and cents.
Roy Jansen looking over wagon load of engines. Getting ready for
Show time-American Thresherman Show. Roy is one of my eight sons.
(That’s Roy at corner of wagon.)
In August we took the old Hart-Parr to the Steam Pageant at
Canandaigua and demonstrated it again for 4 days. What a thrill it
is to have an old-timer come up to you and say, ‘I used to have
one of these. Could I have just one ride on it and maybe steer it a
little?’ This fun and enjoyment is what our club is for.
Without this, the fun of just owning the tractor would soon lose
its fantasy and be just another piece of equipment.
With the year at an end, and the old Hart-Parr put away for the
winter, one can look forward to another year of fun and excitement.
Although this was a first for us, we are hoping that somewhere,
sometime, we can make someone happy by giving them a ride and
letting them steer. This, I think is the true meaning of our clubs,
for without this, we ourselves could not enjoy the hobby.
All work 14-28. Picture taken in Leoti, Kansas.