The Greenville (Ohio) Farm Power of the Past celebrated its 7th
annual reunion July 6-9, 2006. The weather couldn’t have been more
perfect. The show, which has grown incrementally with each passing
year, featured Fairbanks-Morse gas engines.
We had 167 gas engines, 279 tractors and numerous miscellaneous
displays on hand. The GFPP show has always been a magnet for
unusual engines and the 2006 show was no exception. We had nine
Carlisle Finch 1/4 HP gasoline engines, two Wogaman engines that
were made in Greenville and an M. Steiner engine.
The show also had a large contingent of Oil Field Engine Society
members on hand with their engines. The O.F.E.S. group had fun,
with several new members inducted into the society in a “special”
We invite everyone to join us this year, July 5-8, 2007, when we
will feature the International Harvester line of gas engines and
tractors. Please visit our website for
more photos of the 2006 show and previous shows.
Mike Monnier
Casstown, Ohio