I read with much interest the controversy over to restore or not
to restore an engine. Thomas Carlyle, an early essayist, said: “I
may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend with my
life your right to say it.” I will carry this one step further and
add your right to think it.
Most all of us either attended, participated or watched on
television a horse, dog, cat or some form of animal show. Can you
imagine the reaction of the judges if someone brought in a shaggy
looking, unkempt animal for judging or just viewing?
I have attended and displayed classic cars in the Concours
d’Elegance and have yet to see a Duesenberg or Rolls Royce sitting
there with a cracked windshield or a rusted fender.
Folks spend millions of dollars every year on cosmetics and
cosmetic surgery to enhance their beauty or health due to the
effects of age, accidents or improvement.
Attending shows, I have witnessed people admire a nicely
restored International LA or a Fairbanks Z and casually pass by a
rare engine, un-restored, and remark: that surely needs a good
going over.
On page 5 in the May issue of Gas Engine Magazine, is a
photo of Wayne Greening’s “unrestored” Cook sideshaft. Who’s
kidding who? That’s not unrestored. He just removed the tuxedo and
put on a dinner jacket. It goes on to explain the finish is Wayne’s
secret patina process. Beautification? You bet.
I wonder how many advocates of un-restored engines are of that
frame of mind because of restoration expense, time consumed, energy
or lack of interest.
Now that I got that off my mind, it’s time to polish my engine
and get ready for a show.
Gene DeCamp
646 N. Ocotillo St.
Cottonwood, AZ 86326